~ Chapter Thirty-One ~

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~ Chapter Thirty-One ~

Feels like we're dreaming, 

we're tripping and reeling

Just say that you belong to me 

I could get lost in the feelings we're feeling 

Just say that you belong to me 

Do you want more of this? Isn't it glorious? 

I can't believe that it's free

 I will adore you, I'll only live for you 

Just say that you belong to me

You Belong to Me, Cat Pierce

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Everyone moved about me wordlessly. The thrum of excitement that had electrified the air had died when Diana had left. Brien was bent at my feet, her adept fingers twisting the bells around my ankles. They jingled cheerlessly. My mother sat hunched over a floral headress. I watched as she wrenched at the daisies and flung them on the ground to die. In their place she arranged purple carnations. When she was done she stepped over the mangled white petals and placed the flowers firmly on my head. I looked away as she arranged my hair around my face, flinching as her fingers grazed my cheek. Agatha was busy wrapping a satin sash around my waist while Iiva sat at my dressing table weaving multicoloured ribbons together. I bit down on my tongue as my mother pressed her fingers under my chin, forcing me to straighten.

"Much better." She grunted. Brien and Agatha stood back to admire their work. 

"You are a vision, Alphress." Brien announced with a smile that could not reach her eyes. I reached out and held her hand. 

"You had better finish getting ready yourself." I reminded her. She eyed my mother reproachfully before nodding and slipping out of the room. Agatha took to the scissors and began trimming loose threads that dared to tarnish the hem of the my skirts. Everyone looked up as Nathalie entered the room.

"Agatha I need-" She began impatiently but stopped when her eyes settled on me. The hand that she had held in the air imperiously was lowered to her side as she took me in. Nathalie stepped into the room and for the first time I felt her silent approval. She nodded.

"You look well, Maeve." I looked down at my violet dress trimmed with gold. If only the circumstances weren't so grim.

"Thank you, Alphress. That means a lot to me." Nathalie managed a smile before returning her attention to Agatha.

"Agatha, I need you to assist me with Lydia." She ordered more calmly. Agatha finished her trimmings and followed Nathalie out of the room. The nervous energy that had been twisting in my heart seemed to dissipate. 

"Iiva you may leave us. I will finish with those." My mother's sharp words broke the silence. I frowned and opened my mouth to object but stopped when Iiva began to lift herself from the chair. Jumping down from the dressing pedestal in a flurry of petals and bells I quickly steadied the frail old woman. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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