~ Chapter Twenty-Four ~

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It's been a while....shout out to everyone who kept me motivated with their comments, especially xXxxRoxyxXxx and AprilDiamond04 who privately messaged me. It's not perfect but by golly it's about time. 

Don't forget to check the additional chapters if you would like the 'complete' version of this chapter.

Don't forget to check the additional chapters if you would like the 'complete' version of this chapter

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~ Chapter Twenty-Four ~

"If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl"    

Howl, Florence + the Machine

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"Half the Southern Alpha's have abandoned the Council." Alpha Aiden grunted under his breath, his wild eyes glinting in the firelight. There was complete silence, save for the quiet crackle of the dying embers in the fireplace by which my father stood. He crossed his arms as he stared into the glowing remains, his face hidden in shadow.

"Why?" Alpha Alexander breathed in bewilderment. I wriggled in discomfort as the query was followed by a painful silence.

"Because Alpha Maicoh let the Northern Packs leave." Alpha Aiden finally snarled. I bristled as I felt his fiery gaze slide to my figure but I refused to turn away from the window and face the room of disgruntled Alphas.

"I had no choice. I could not force them to stay." I bit out as my fists clenched instinctively.

"Perhaps, but abandoning the Council during such a crisis was your choice." Alpha Aiden snapped. I ignored the mounting accusations and continued to stare into the void of the night.

"Why you were acting as Head of the Council I have no idea." he muttered in disdain. A low growl echoed from my chest. Alpha Aiden let out a hollow laugh.

"Take my advice Maicoh, don't challenge me. You're in my territory now."

"We need to call them back to Mag Mal." My father interrupted coolly. I flinched as the harsh syllables felt like the lashings of a whip, the steel-tipped cracker cutting through my back mercilessly. Alpha Aiden adjusted in his seat, leaning his elbows on the desk with an audible thump.

"And for what purpose, exactly?" he quipped. I glanced over my shoulder to watch my father's eyes flicker, Alpha Aiden's tone slowly whittling away his self-control.

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