Twenty - Knives Are So Romantic

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"Merry Christmas!"

Jungkook had to keep himself from shrieking, because that would've been uncool in front of Y/N, but the way she woke him so unusually enthusiastic had really almost caused him a stroke.

"The hell're you on about?" Jungkook's voice was thick and muddy with sleep. "There's no Christmasses anymore."

It was true that, after months of just barely getting through their days, the exact date wasn't something they knew how to find out anymore. They had missed out on keeping up with a calendar, so now making out things like Christmas was nearly impossible.

"It's been snowing for some while, so I thought it'd be about time to celebrate Christmas." She said, very convinced while she shoved a, in newspaper wrapped, item into his arms.

"Huh?" Jungkook turned the crumbled paper around in his hand, "What s' that?"

"Your Christmas gift?" She looked at him expectantly.

The man needed a second to asses the given information, after having just been woken up. They were sitting in one of the rooms next to the cafeteria of the train station, wrapped in multiple clothes and blankets due to the freezing cold seeping through every hole and slit. The cold had the perk that his companion now tended closer towards him in her sleep, in the search of some warmth, but besides that it really just sucked an made getting up real fucking hard.

"...Gift?" He'd never gotten one.

"You've never gotten one." Y/N realized dryly, giving Jungkook the chills because how did she figure him out like that?

"M-hm." He hummed, staring at the poorly wrapped thing in his hands. What else had she figured out without ever mentioning it?

"C'mon! Unpack it." She urged him impatiently, wrapping her three blankets closer around her body. She'd gotten a lot skinnier since they first met. This couldn't be healthy.

He chuckled, following her demand of unwrapping the gift - a ridiculously small pocket knife, that looked like it once belonged to someone's grandpa, with artful ornaments on handle and blade.

"Where'd you find this?" Jungkook's calloused fingers ran lightly over the carefully crafted blade and interesting pattern. His eyes showed surprise, both because of the mere fact of having been gifted something and the nature of the gift.

"Found it in the kitchen of the restaurant yesterday." She explained curtly

"When we nearly fucking died?"

"Are you kidding me? We weren't in any trouble, you were just whining about the stench!"

"The stench that could've killed us!"

"Highly doubt that, but okay."

"-I see you two are awake." Kim Seokjin barged into their little bicker session, looking entirely unimpressed while throwing a warm, wet towel at Y/N's face, "Makes you the early birds today, the others are still asleep. Go out and check if prowlers came in yet."

"Oi, don't tell me what to do old man-"

"Jungkook." He stopped at her warning tone, grumbling the rest to himself, until Seokjin had left.

"I didn't come here to get ordered around by some patronizing elementary school teacher!" Jungkook complained, the way he was being ordered around so naturally sitting entirely wrong with him.

"Namjoon's the teacher." She corrected unnecessarily, "-remember?"

"Why should I care." He grumbled sulking, looking away.

She sighed, "They let us use their resources, gave us a safe place to sleep and let us eat their food - this is the least we can do. It's only fair."

It's only fair.

"So we repay one favor with another." Jungkook concluded.

She nodded, "Well, that's how it usually works, yes." 

He looked at her for a second, millions of conflicting memories telling him to make a run for it while he still can, but he just sighed and eventually peeled himself out of his blankets, "You know what? This is great. I'll go out and look out for prowlers while simultaneously looking for a Christmas gift for you."

"I don't need one." She held up the bracelet he'd stolen from the cannibal lady a few days ago, "You gave me this, remember?"

"Nah, this still has potato mush stuck on it." He waved off, "I'll give you the best fucking Christmas present you've ever had, watch me."

She just answered with an incredulous shake of her head, amused smile playing around her lips.


"They did are pretty good job with the barricades." You stated, standing on top of one of said barricades - an improvised fence of wood planks once having been used for renovation work in the station, while Jungkook was getting rid of the few prowlers whose bodies had been distorted enough to somehow make it past the walls a few meters underneath you.

"Not half bad." Jungkook agreed, blade making a swoosh-y sound as it flew through the air just to split the ugly prowler's head in half.

You averted your gaze, "Can you please not do that?"


"Like- don't kill them in such ugly ways. Just- go for their throats and cut them off clean. Don't slaughter them like that."

He looked up at you irritated, "Huh?? They're dead. It doesn't matter what happens to their bodies-" Like wanting to proof something, he let the hilt of his scythe crash down into the split skull of the corpse, making it crunch bone-chillingly.

"You're gross." You made a puking sound, before sliding down the wooden barricade.

"I don't get your point." He frowned confused, before shouldering his weapon, "And I still don't have a present for you, weirdo."

"I told you, you don't need to-"

"No way I'll leave it like that." He cut you off decidedly, "It's Christmas after all!"

You smiled, "Yeah... it's Christmas."

The crunching of boots in the snow outside of the barricades made both of you stop, turning towards the direction of the sound. The source of it was hidden somewhere behind the walls.

"Didn't Seokjin say we were the only ones awake?" You whispered, all thoughts about Christmas and presents vanished.

Jungkook nodded, narrowing his eyes at the craftfully put-together planks in front of his nose, as if they were the ones making these sounds.

"Neighbors?" You mouthed, slightly crouching down, just to make sure no one saw you. You of course remembered Taehyung's warning about the other survivors competing with them for Yongsan Sation.

Your companion nodded, copying your posture, though his muscles tensed strangely and a sudden wide, outright devilish grin spread over his face.

"Jungkook no-"

"Jungkook yes." He whispered, before straightening up and jumping atop of the barricade in one go - which probably looked very impressive from the outside.

You slapped your hand flat against your forehead, "You fucking idiot."


Jungkook yes


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