Twenty Four - Here We Go Again With The Arsonists

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"No, you're getting it all wrong!"

"Oi, don't tell me how to build my barricade, woman!"

"I will kick you."

"Go ahead 'n try, fuckin' brat."

Weeks since your conversation with Tae had passed. The snow was slowly starting to melt and the sun even made occasional appearances. This was all fine ad well, but sadly it hadn't gotten any warmer, which meant that Jungkook and you were stuck re-building one of the wooden barricades in the piercing cold.

You hadn't had much time to think more deeply about what Tae had told you that day, neither did you have time to overthink about the second kiss Jungkook and you had shared (and what it meant to you, after Jungkook had stated that he "didn't see you that way"), wayyy to busy with surviving the particularly rough winter without any warmth and with barely enough food.

The barricades the other four had built against the prowlers were slowly starting to get brittle as well, after only being made out of wood planks, which was why you had to struggle through figuring out how to re-build these damn things now.

"You really aren't helping." You grumbled, glaring down at him from your spot on top of the wall. He was standing inside the station, while you could clearly see prowlers leeching around in the corners of the other side. It would've been scary to know that you'd only need to slip once and be dead meat immediately, if it wasn't for your personal guardian angel - who was bitching around underneath you in the moment.

"Hey, at least I do stuff." He complained, "You only talk."

"I'm trying to make a plan how to do this in the first place!" 

"Smartass." He grumbled.

You've been going on like this for a couple of hours already, and haven't really gotten anywhere, "If Tae was here we would've been done already." You pouted.

"Tae?! How would that fucker be of more help than I?"

"Well, for starters - he can read. Kind of." You stuck out your tongue at him, who just rolled his eyes.

"Don't need no reading to put some planks together, ya fuckin' moron."

"Well, but reading requires other qualities-" You said very smartass-ish, "Like the ability to concentrate, for example."

"Oh, shut it." He flipped you of shortly before reaching up to lift you down carefully, "You're hella annoying, know that?"

"Am not." You hit his shoulder, ears perking up when you heard loud noises coming from the east entrance of the station - one that you also yet had to fix, though it didn't look nearly as worn as the main entrance.

"What?" Jungkook's hands were still resting on your sides, attention anywhere else but the peculiar sounds.

"You hear that?" You closed your eyes, concentrating on the sounds, "It sounds like-" Your eyes shot open. Fuck.

"Prowlers." You both said in unison.

Within mere seconds, both of you were sprinting towards the east entrance, Jungkook leading the way, while all your hazy mind could think of was how in hell it could be so loud?

"Jungkook! Fuck-" That was Taehyung's voice, filled with panic and you soon saw why:

The eastern barricade had been broken down completely, as if prowlers had deliberately tried to  make it fall, which wasn't something they usually did. You counted around twenty of them inside already and there were new ones coming in steadily.

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