Fourty - Pepsi And Pocky Sticks... For Freedom!

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Water dripping from the leaves of the palm trees scattered across the hotel area, air cool and humid in the early hours of the morning. The sun was out already, throwing high shadows onto the empty pools in the center of the concrete site.

None of the nocturnal guests where outside, only some still awake, waiting in their rooms to fall asleep or drinking their worries away at the bar somewhere inside the hotel building.

"Just give Jong this and you should be good to go." Namjoon said hushed, handing Y/N a plastic bag containing a six pack of Pepsi cans and a package of strawberry pocky sticks.

The girl took the bag with sour expression, squinting her eyes, "Still can't believe that there was a ferry all along. Jungkook almost died and all we would've had to do was bribe a ferryman with some junk food."

Namjoon chuckled, shoulders shaking slightly, "It's not like there was anyone who could've told you about the ferry." 

"Guys, you should hurry," Kim Taehyung cut in, nervous hand on the hilt of his machete, "We can't risk someone entering the library before you two are gone, since you dumbfucks didn't clean up behind you." He looked at Jungkook accusingly, "Didn't think you'd be so sloppy, Jeon."

Usually, Jungkook would've protested, but Taehyung was right - a year ago a mistake like this could've been his death sentence.

Luckily, one of the pros of the apocalypse was that he wouldn't be held accountant for any of his crimes - present AND past ones.

"Tae's right." Namjoon made some shooing hand gestures, "We don't have time to linger if we don't want a mob of angry criminals hunting you." 

Jungkook nodded, grasping with his free hand for Y/N's wrist, ready to leave this horrible place as quick as possible, but Namjoon wasn't quite ready yet.

"Y/N?" He smiled warmly, "Don't forget to report back to us once you find answers."

She nodded, "We'll be back, I promise."


"D'you think I should've, like, cleaned up or?" Jungkook mused as we walked down the rocky path that lead to what Joon had referred to as a port (really it was just some wood planks nailed together).

"It was a little nasty, I agree." Jungkook jumped down, reaching up to catch me as I followed, "But I think it would've taken too long."

"Hmm." He made, "Maybe. Feels a little wrong to leave it like that, I mean am I not a professional?"

"I think it's okay to neglect your professionalism in this case." I assured as he placed me down again.

"Maybe." Jungkook hummed and I couldn't believe that this was his biggest worry in the moment.

I was about utter this thought when my eyes fell onto the "ferry" we'd been looking for - really, it was just a bright pink fisher boat that had been repurposed to accommodate multiple people for a longer journey.

"Oh god." Jungkook wheezed when his eyes fell onto the pink monstrosity.

"Now the strawberry pocky makes sense." I commented.

Jong was a small, old man with a thin, white goatee and a large pale spot on top of his head. When I handed him his sweets he smiled down at the bag with a nearly toothless grin, waving us in without any more questions.

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