Twenty Nine - Can't Reese-ist You

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Jungkook might've had his fun today, but I was certainly tired after running from that wobbly ass balloon prowler. So having to look for supplies right after having escaped it was like trying to pay attention in class after having spent the entire past night binge watching Anime.

"C'mon Chickie, we don't have all day!" Jungkook was far ahead already, the ever so unflaggingly machine he seemed to be, hopping in his steps that echoed as we crossed the rather small mall.

I flipped him off behind his back, but tried to speed up so that I wouldn't loose him. The mall had a glass roof that was covered in moss and a thin layer of green mold stains, making the sunlight flooding the place appear slightly green-ish. It was unusually warm and humid for what I supposed was early spring, the insides of the building feeling similar to one of these amazon houses in zoos.

It was silent around us, like always, chirping of birds dulled by the walls of the mall.

Jungkook was up front to prevent any more prowlers to ruin our day, being 100% enthusiastic to do his job of playing my personal bodyguard.

Thoughtfully, I watched him hop away childishly, thinking about what this man would be like to have around in a normal setting. What would it be like to go shopping with him? Or to the movies? Or simply relaxing alone, only the two of us? My mind slipped back to what Namjoon had told me about, to the refugee that could possibly grant us normality - I at least had to bring it up somehow, though I knew for sure Jungkook wouldn't like it.

He wouldn't want to be around other people who don't know about him, who might even be frightened by him, wouldn't want to be chained to a place again. I knew he'd feel trapped in there, unhappy even. I didn't want him to be unhappy.

But I had made a promise to Namjoon. One that I intended to keep.

Yeah, I just didn't find he right moment to bring it up yet.

I would get there, somehow.

The colorful display of one of the run down stores caught my interest and I stopped, turning towards the brightly decorated store windows.

Jungkook, who had already run past that particular store, stopped and turned around with a questioning look, laughing when he realized what had caught my interest.

"What?" I grinned, pushing the door open with some effort, "Candy doesn't expire, does it?"

The colorful aisles if the candy store were endlessly filled with marshmallows, cotton candy, chocolates of all sorts and forms and literally anything else you could possibly wish for. My heart soared when I walked through the shop, Jungkook following close behind in amusement.

"Get yourself a bag and take every thing you can get." I declared, "This is like Christmas and my Birthday together."

"Will do." Jungkook snickered joyfully, watching me with an awfully fond look, "It's gonna be good for you."

He wasn't wrong, one of the perks of our current situation was that I could actually stuff myself full with candy without worrying about gaining weight, because I already looked like a starved corpse at this point.

I tried to ignore the caring tone Jungkook's voice had taken, not currently ready to deal with the feelings his never ending care for me and just me awoke inside me.

We went through the aisles, hands grabbing anything we could reach, "Yo, Chickie, have you tried taking the top off the Oreo's and putting-"

"Putting the marshmallow in? Jungkook, darling, back in my home town I was famous for having invented this snack."

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