Thirty Two - With Love, The Horizon

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Metal rattled against metal when you heaved yourself over the fence, thin grit cutting into your hands. Jungkook was already waiting on the other side, arms reaching up to catch you in case you'd fall.

Your feet landed on the dusty ground with a thud, the unpleasant feeling of clammy hands reminding you of how hot it had gotten so quickly. You wiped your palms off on your cargo shorts, dreading the moment you'd run out of deodorant.

"Imma go ahead, 'kay?" Jungkook gave you thumbs up with a grin, scythe swinging from left to right as he checked the terrain for prowlers. The blade caught the light whenever he lifted it to ram it down into another doomed prowler, making you look away blinded.

You were still wary about his decision to help you find the refugee, not believing that he was fond of the idea of going there, but hey you wouldn't question him.

The ground you'd technically broken in to just now was a small, private fishing port, with rows of comically small fisher boats in front of a warehouse that reeked like fish and death - no, you were not going to go inside there.

"-Should we check out the inside?"

"-No!" You scowled at Jungkook. Hadn't he been the one bitching the most about the stench in the restaurant you raided this winter?

The plan was to take one of these boats and use it to get over to Jeju where you would, hopefully, find a refugee full with happy, healthy non-prowlers.

There were just... a few problems.

a. the possibility that any of these boats, that had been rotting in the port for almost a year now, were still intact was really low.

b. none of you knew how to steer these things.

Problem a. was swiftly solved by Jungkook hopping into each boat and turning on the engine how-so-ever he knew how to do that - same reason for why he'd been so confident with stealing cars, you supposed - and you soon possessed a lovely red monstrosity, that was quite frankly intimidating to enter. 

The sounds the ground beneath your feet made when you walked over it's surface seemed very un-trustworthy to you, but Jungkook didn't seem to spend it a second thought.

"What are we gonna do now?" You looked at him expectantly, who'd been overly confident the whole time, as he was always with things he didn't actually have a clue of - for Jungkook everything seemed to be trial and error, and if it didn't work out then he at least didn't wreck his brain too hard over it.

"This thing can't be too hard to steer." He rolled his shoulders, joints cracking grossly.



"Chickie. What are you doin'?"

You looked at him weirdly, "Putting on life vests?"

"What- why would you do that?"

"I do not trust you with this boat, I'd rather be safe, thanks."

He made a dismissive noise, reaching out to pull the quite un-sexy vest off your shoulders, "Ain't no one left to tell you to wear these, so screw them."

"That's a terrible reason to no wear life vests-"

"Y'know what? Screw 'em for real." He threw the two only life vests on this boat into the water, clapping his hands together as if wanting to signalize the beginning of your journey, "We gon' rock this bitch."

"Please don't really, I might get sea sick-"

"We will rock it!"

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