《 The Journey 》

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The next day had slowly arrived with the sun peeking over the snowy mountains that surrounded the house.

The snow brightened up and reflected off of the sunlight a bit making the white crystallized water to sparkle a bit.

Footsteps walked down the staircase heading straight to the kitchen, having a feeling that the man of the house was in there.

"Phil," (M/n) called out, capturing the said man's attention.

Phil looked over at the teen and smiled before beckoning the male over, "Yeah, mate?" He asked with a raised eyebrow while fixing up some breakfast.

"I was wondering if I could go to the closest market today," the (H/c)ette explained.

Phil's eyebrows furrowed a bit.

The only closest market was in the continent of the Dream Smp, and that was only three hours away.

"Are you sure?" The blonde asked, hoping for confirmation from the other.

(M/n) nodded his head, "I wanted to get some gifts for everyone," he answered.

Phil sighed, seeing the look of determination in the younger's eyes.

"Do you have money?" Phil questioned with a raised eyebrow.

(M/n) held up a pouch which currently held his monthly allowance inside.

The (H/c)ette wasn't a huge fan of using money, seeing as the place where he used to reside only used gold ingots instead of coins made out of them.

Phil gave a defeated look, "Fine, you can go," he replied, finally agreeing.

(M/n)'s eyes sparkled as he threw his arms around Phil and hugged him.

"Thanks, dad."

Silence was the only thing heard.

(S/c) cheeks blasted into a deep cherry red as the teen became a stuttering mess as he pulled away from the hug.

"W-wait-I didn't m-mean it! Ack, I'm so stupid!" He cried out while grasping onto his (H/c) locks.

Phil was clearly in shock.

It took almost three months for the (H/c)ette to call him 'dad'.

The blonde shook his head and pulled the teen into a fatherly embrace.

(M/n) went quiet as his hands went limp by his sides.

"You're welcome, son," Phil replied.

Tears gathered up in the (H/c)ette's eyes as he hugged back.

The two stayed there for a few seconds until the teen pulled away.

"I should get going now, see you later," (M/n) chirped as he rubbed at the unshed tears that wanted to fall.

Phil nodded his head with a smile slipping onto his lips.

"Make sure you watch after yourself," the blonde gently scolded.

"Right," the (H/c)ette replied with a nervous smile on his lips.

"Bye bye."

The (H/c)ette left the house, closing the door behind him.

(M/n) walked through the snow slowly, hoping not to fall or trip over something that he couldn't see.

Frowning slightly, (M/n) wiped his hair out of his face trying to keep it away from his eyes.

The snow started to soak through his pants and lightly hit his skin-small sizzling could be barely even heard.

(F/c) shoes made crunching noises whenever they landed onto the snow that their owner walked through.

Squinting slightly, the teen saw how the snow seemed to stop at a certain area of the territory.

"The snow was easy to go through despite nearly facepalming in it-now...time to get lost for three or so hours," the teen mumbled with a sigh of disappointment.

One thing that the (H/c)ette hated was using directions.

A month ago-even if he was on one of the mountains near the house, he still got lost, Tommy and Wilbur had to come and find him.

"Did Phil even tell me the directions-" the teen trailed off as his face paled and realized that the older blonde didn't tell him a single thing.

"Ah yes, hm...uh-huh, got it...time for me to die of boredom while looking for the market, marvelous," (M/n) said sarcastically.

The teen walked over a tree and marked it with an arrow he was carrying with him.

"If I go around in circles I'll know if I mark every other tree," he whispered.

(E/c) eyes looked at the three directions before them.

"I got three directions, one of them are right and two of them are wrong-"

The teen then slammed his forehead onto the tree bark.

Blood trickled down his forehead.

"I'm still gonna get lost even if I mark the freaking trees!" The teen cried out which scared the surrounding creatures that were distance apart.

"Left, right, or forward. Err..." the (H/c)ette grumbled.

Clenching his fists, he turned straight forward.

"Let's head straight first, if I'm wrong...I'm gonna go find a pool of lava and die, oh...wait...I can't die in lava, darn it." He grumbled.

The (H/c)ette went forward and started marking every other tree he had walked past, hoping not to go in circles as he traveled.

Talking and laughter had grabbed the teen's attention making him jerk his head upwards, the defeated look changing into a look of relief.

Stalls and buildings had captured his attention which made the teen give out a sigh of relief when he realized that his first choice in directions had actually been right.

It's not like he's ever been right before, totally not.

"So, what should I get them? Music discs for Tommy, a brand new guitar for Wilbur, a mask for Techno, and Phil...a hat," he mumbled as counted on his fingers to make sure he had gotten all four of them on his list.

A small smile lifted onto (M/n)'s lips as he stared ahead, "Right, I'll get them those. I just hope that they'll like 'em." (M/n) whispered as he walked over to a stall that sold anything related to music first.

What the (H/c)ette didn't notice was a male about his age was keeping an eye on him, the stranger's green eyes holding curiosity and amusement.


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