《 Walking Limbo of Nightmares 》

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Tw: angst, death, blood, cursing

Loud hollers and screams echoed throughout the night as explosions vibrated and colored the sky.

Frantic footsteps and sounds of blades clashing through the fields were heard as two sides fought against each other, trying to stop all of the destruction and fighting that was going on.

A male with (H/c) locks could be seen darting towards a man with huge white wings with black ends–soon to be pure black.

Soft barking cried out in fear as the owner of this barking nuzzled itself into its owner's leg, trying its best not to feel the soreness that had taken over its body.

Two pairs of eyes widened in both horror and in shock as the male with (H/c) locks threw their self in front of a thrown object that was coming in their direction.

The man with huge white colored wings stepped forward and fell straight to the ground with the (H/c) haired male falling into his hold.

"(M/n)?" The man breathed out in shock, pushing away his bangs of blonde out of his blue eyes.

The dog's owner quickly ran over to the fallen male's figure and gripped onto the (S/c) arm that was covered and littered with both old and new scars.

(E/c) eyes lifted upward painfully as their owner made eye contact with the two that surrounded him.

A weak smile slipped onto (M/n)'s lips, "Hey dad?"

The blonde man's eyes widened in shock to hear his son speak the familiar word he hasn't heard in years.

Tears gathered in his eyes as he brought the dying male into his chest, "Yes...son?"

(M/n) brought his gaze up towards the sky that was sparkling due to the tnt being activated.

"Promise me something, okay?" He murmured.

Blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears as their owner nodded their head.

(M/n) brought his gaze over to the figure that had a dog right beside them.

"Tommy... Koral..." He trailed off.

Tommy choked back a sob as he stared at his brother figure with a pained look.

(M/n) weakly laughed as he brought back his attention to the sky once more.

"Take care of Ranboo for me, okay? He was led in the wrong direction so I want you guys to lead him down that right path. Are you guys able to do that?" (M/n) asked.

Phil and Tommy's bodies trembled as they tried to form both a sentence and an answer.

(M/n)'s eyelids drifted shut which allowed whimpers and soft cries to leave the three figures that surrounded his body.

Tommy nudged his fallen brother's arm a bit, hoping that this was all just a joke and not real.

"(M/n)? (M/n) please wake-"

A young figure jolted up from their sleeping position, gripping hard onto a thing of blankets that covered their figure.

(E/c) hues stared at the wall in front of them, shaking at what their owner had dreamed of.

Slowly, a (S/c) hand gripped onto a section of (F/c) cloth-which was hovering a bit off where the figure's heart would be at.

Tears gathered and welled up as (E/c) eyes darted back and forth, trying to take in their surrounding area.

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