《 An Election? 》

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Tw: light cursing, light angst, small mention of death

Light thumps of hooves could be heard as a majestic black and white horse could be seen traveling through the knee deep grass with a cloaked person riding on their back.

A neigh left the horse as they shook their head which allowed a mane full of hair to be sent flying.

The cloaked figure lightly nudged at the horse, silently ordering it to stop its motion of movement.

The creature stopped moving as their owner slid off of their back easily due to it not wearing a saddle.

The brown but dirtied up leathered cloak swung lightly with the gentle breeze that the grassy plains gave away.

Something had caught this figure's attention as they walked up to a tree nearby which held a stapled piece of paper up against it.

With no hesitation, the figure took the paper off of the tree and gazed at it in silence.

The horse neighed quietly as it stared ahead, lightly running a hoof over a small dirt hill it was creating due to boredom that it magically felt.

The creature was confused about what its owner was looking at but didn't do anything about it.

A single sword, along with a bow and its arrows could be seen on the figure's hip and back.

The bow wasn't as noticeable but the weapon was able to be traced out from underneath the cloak if someone looked hard enough.

Many months had gone by.

Or was it years?

This figure didn't know anymore, however, this figure did know that something bad was gonna happen as they looked over every single detail on the piece of paper.

A small brunette could be seen with a loud blonde who was speaking quite loudly.

"Tommy," the brunette piped up with furrowed eyebrows causing the said blonde to turn to the shorter.

"Yeah, what is it?" The blonde, Tommy, had asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tubbo tightened his hold of the bee plush that he had in his arms.

This bee plush was really special to him since it was from a person that saved him when he was younger.

"Do you think that people will come?" Tubbo nervously questioned, gazing up at his best friend.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course people will come, Tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed with a quick answer.

"Then...would that mean that (M/n) would also be coming?"

Tommy's breath hitched a bit.

"Tubbo, (M/n) is dead...and we all know it. You, yourself, know what your father is like..." Tommy trailed off.

Tubbo felt tears swell up in the corner of his eyes.

"You guys just haven't searched enough! (M/n) wouldn't allow that to happen, even if he probably lost a possible canon life from something or someone. You know Quackity, right? Even he said that (M/n) was alive when he escaped!" Tubbo rambled.

"That doesn't mean anything, Tubbo. Quackity came to us like what...almost two or so years ago? (M/n) could've died within that time limit," Tommy groaned, annoyed at the other.

However, Tommy didn't want to believe his own words either.

He knew that the words slipping between his lips were probably lies that he's been telling to himself this whole time.

The blonde knew that the other was probably right.

The (H/c)ette was probably still out there.

Alive and breathing.

It was Wilbur's stupid mistake of taking the plan and mission down after a year and a half of searching for the said (H/c)ette.

For all they know, (M/n) could be out there–nowhere near the territory of the Dream Smp!

"Do you still have left over flyers, Tubbo?" Tommy finally asked.

Tubbo shook his head, "No... I finished placing them around almost two hours ago."

Hearing the answer, the blonde nodded his head.

"But do you really think that he'll see them? If he's alive, that is..." Tubbo whispered with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's if he's out there, but I'm sure that he saw them," Tommy answered with a head nod.

Tubbo went silent for a few seconds before giving a weak smile, "I hope."

"I hope so too."

A curly haired brunette could be seen twirling a feather in their right hand, black ink dripping onto the wooden table that sat underneath the held item.

The sound of dripping rain was heard causing the brunette to look over.

It wasn't heavy or sprinkling, the brunette would have to say it was a light rain.

Anger and annoyance seemed to dance around in the brunette's eyes as their owner snapped the feather in half with a tight clench of a fist.

This brunette was the president of L'manberg, Wilbur Soot.

Wilbur was the one that had started the campaign and now it was going national.

Everyone off the Dream Smp was too invited to watch the election go down.

"Damn it... If I knew that Schlatt was gonna run as well, I wouldn't have let him know."

A toxic hiss had left Wilbur's lips.

The two were friends.

Well, 'used' to be more like it.

Wilbur had instantly seen the evil deeds that the ram hybrid was trying to create.

The first time that the ram hybrid had actually crossed the line was when a certain pink haired hybrid was almost turned into a puppet.

Glancing over at the piece of paper in front of him, he gritted his teeth a bit.

Wilbur was going to ask Techno if he would be able to come even though the said pinkette was an anarchist.

"Hopefully, he'll come," Wilbur whispered, rereading over the finished letter.

With a nod of his head, the brunette rolled up the now dried letter and lightly tied a ribbon around it.

Standing up, Wilbur picked up the rolled up letter and left his room, leaving the broken feather on his desk.

The cloaked figure gripped at the flyer, which caused it to crumble up.

'An election, huh? That's something new that you'll never see around here.'

The gentle breeze of the wind ruffled the owner's (H/c) locks that peeked from underneath the hood.

Blank (E/c) hues glowed a bit before it vanished with the owner turning away and stuffing the now crumpled up piece of paper now into the leather cross-body bag.

"Let's see what this election is all about, (P/n)."

The horse, (P/n), neighed as their owner climbed onto its back.

"And while we're out, we can get you a new saddle since the old one got beaten up."

A huff of agreement left the horse as the two made their way in the direction of the Dream Smp territory.

'This election must be special, especially if BOTH Schlatt and Quackity are also running candidates.'


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