《 The Train Station 》

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Tw: soft angst, light cursing

A grunt and groan of pain could be heard as a male with (H/l) (H/c) locks was seen stepping out of a train and onto its platform.

"(M/n)?" A familiar voice trembled.

(E/c) eyes snapped upwards when their owner noticed two familiar figures sitting across from each other playing chess.

With furrowed eyebrows, the (H/c)ette frowned a bit.

"Wilbur...? Schlatt...?" (M/n) mumbled out in disbelief.

Schlatt huffed out in annoyance as he looked away from the taller figure despite sitting crisscrossed on the platform right now.

Wilbur scrambled up to his feet and ran straight into the arms of the other taller male.

(M/n) stumbled back a bit but was able to catch his footing.

Looking down at the male that he had thought of as a younger brother, the (H/c)ette was dumbfounded.

"Where am I, Will?" He gently asked, confused on where he was at.

"Hell," Schlatt's gruff voice answered.

Wilbur rolled his eyes at Schlatt. "In a way, he's right. I call it the train station, though."

"So, I'm dead?" (M/n) bluntly mumbled.

Wilbur gave a saddened look at the brotherly figure in front of him.

"How did your death happen?" Wilbur asked with curiosity.

Schlatt looked over, curious on how the (H/c)ette had also died.

(M/n) crossed his arms over his chest as he tried to remember.

"All I remember is that someone threw a trident straight at Phil and I took the blow by saving him," he answered.

Wilbur's dark colored eyes widened when he saw how the (H/c)ette's (E/c) eyes were no longer a dull color and were bright and as if they were full of life.

"(M)–" Wilbur's voice trembled.

(M/n) made eye contact with the curly haired brunette and gave a warm smile.

Relief consumed Wilbur's figure when he realized that the old (M/n) was back.

Not that lifeless and doll-like male that he had met over less than a decade ago.

"You got your memories back?" Schlatt huffed out, also realizing.

The (H/c)ette rolled their eyes before nodding, "Yes."

"Then you remember..." Wilbur trailed off as he pulled away from the hug.

"Being kidnapped by Schlatt and Quackity? Yes. Losing my first life to Quackity? Yep. It's still all a blur but I'm able to remember," (M/n) replied with a sigh.

"If you remember your deaths, then do you remember the culprit of your last life?" Schlatt wondered as he took a sip of his protein shake that he randomly had.

"I– Where did he? Oh well, yeah."

Wilbur snickered, becoming serious as he made eye contact with the other, "Who was it?"

The (H/c)ette frowned a bit, "I really can't remember who did due to all the explosions, sorry."

This caused both Wilbur and Schlatt to make eye contact with each other.

Schlatt seemed to have a question and decided to ask.

"Have you decided to get married yet?" He asked with a grin.

The double hybrid gave an annoyed and disgusted look, "Fuck you, and no I haven't."

This caused Schlatt to cackle at the answer he received.

The curly haired brunette laughed a bit in amusement, finding the look of disgust funny.

"Now, since we're all dead here, let's play a game of cards."

This caused the curly brown haired and (H/c) haired male to look over at Schlatt who was currently holding up Blackjack.

Disappointment got rid of the look of disgust that (M/n) held as he and Wilbur walked over and sat in front of the ram hybrid.

"Now, let's play."

Phil stared blankly as he led a familiar black and white horse to the stables where Carl stayed.

(P/n) was trying their best to tug and get out the hold of the man that had taken care of their owner years prior.

They knew that their owner was dead, but they didn't want to believe it at all.

They just had a feeling that their owner was still out there—somewhere.

The sound of gates could be heard, instructing that the black and white horse was now in the stables with Carl.

Phil stared at the horse sadly, knowing that they were just mourning for their owner's life that had been lost in the battle of L'manberg.

It was also the death that had ended it.

The death of a son, a brother, a father, and a friend were lost.

Almost everyone had grown close to the double hybrid of a man.

Phil had to forgive Ranboo because he couldn't just forgive himself for letting someone die for a second time in his arms.

He also had to forgive the meterochromia haired male because that's what (M/n) told him to do even though he didn't want to.

"I'm so sorry, (P/n)."

(P/n) just gazed at the man in front of them with a mournful and angry huff as they looked away.

Koral whimpered and whined at his owner as he nudged at the mourning male beside him.

Tommy felt the stinging sensation in the corner of his eyes as more tears dripped down his cheeks and down to the floor.

The duo sat in front of the graves that belonged to both Wilbur and (M/n).

Koral gazed sadly at his owner not knowing what to do since the other had basically almost lost everything that he held dear.

Wind swept by allowing for the fallen leaves to be picked up and danced about in the air.

Tommy gazed at the graves quietly with a weak smile slipping onto his lips.

He had joined Techno's side because of how he, Phil, and (M/n) had taken care of him after being banished all that time ago.

The blonde could only remember all the good times that they had before destroying L'manberg and along before a certain (H/c)ette's death.

"You'll be remembered... I promise. I'll carry-on both of your legacies."


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