《 Market 》

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(M/n) walked up to the music stall that held disc's and music instruments inside.

Clearing his throat captured the stall owner's attention.

The owner raised their eyebrow as they gazed down at the teen before them.

"Yes, child?" The owner asked with a brisky kind of skip in their voice.

'Too hyper.'

"Yes, um...I was wondering if it was possible if I could look at your disc selection and that brown guitar please," (M/n) answered, pointing at the guitar that he was talking about.

The owner responded with a smile and nod before turning away, picking up the selection box of disks first before picking up the wooden guitar from its case.

(M/n) gently flipped through the music until two had caught his attention.

Cat and Mellohi.

Picking them up, he pushed the box off to the side.

"Did you find the disc's that you want?" The owner asked as they wrote down how much the guitar would cost along with the two discs.

"Yep," the (H/c)ette simply answered.

The owner placed the guitar into a case and handed it over, allowing the teen to put the case over his head and shoulders due to the strap.

(M/n) rocked back and forth on his heels as the owner before him wrapped up the two music discs before handing them over to the (H/c)ette in a bag.

"Thank you very much," (M/n) thanked before heading over to the accessories stall that was a few stalls ahead.

(E/c) eyes landed on a green and white hat that reminded him of something before shrugging his shoulders as he walked up to the stall.

A tall and gruff looking owner gazed at the teen with an annoyed look.

"What do you want, kid?" The owner hissed with scrunched eyebrows.

"That hat and...that animal skull," (M/n) replied, with a questionable gaze at the rude owner.

The owner mumbled underneath his breath and picked up the two chosen objects before setting them both in front of the teen.

"Is that all?" The owner asked with their normal dead gaze.

"Uh-huh," (M/n) hummed out before handing out the money that seemed to be about the right price for the two.

The owner took the money and placed it into their cash register before placing the two in a single box and handing it over to the male.

"Thank you very much."

(M/n) picked up the box, making sure not to drop the bag at the same time before walking away, using his slight height advantage to look over the box.

(E/c) eyes looked around for a bit before landing on a happy couple and their child.

A small frown decorated his lips as he remembered his parents.

He didn't really remember much of them except for the small clips that'll pop into his mind here and there.

It could also be because of him pushing those memories back so he could keep the good ones in the front of his mind.

He didn't receive any of their powers, or well he thought he didn't, except for their weakness to water and the resistance to lava.

The teen stuffed his face into the box as his eyes welled up with tears a bit.

"I shouldn't be thinking about them, Techno said that they've abandoned me...but I can't just help it and miss home," his voice trembled as he tried his best not to cry in front of everyone.

The (H/c)ette didn't want to seem weak in front of anyone since being weak can show your enemies that you can be unstable if you can't hide that weakness.

Wiping the tears away, (M/n) lifted his head upwards and saw a food stall that was currently selling (F/f).

His eyes brightened up a bit as he started walking over to the stall but quickly stopped and shook his head.

"I should be getting back home, I don't want to worry about the others..." He whispered as he turned himself away from the food stall and headed towards the entrance of the market.

"Stop that little thief!!" A loud voice hollered.

The teen's eyes latched onto a young boy about Tommy's age, running away from the person that had yelled while carrying a small loaf of bread in their hands.

(E/c) eyes widened as he felt small hands grip onto his clothes and hide behind him.

Glancing down, he saw the child was clearly a brunette.

He then glanced back over at the owner that stopped right in front of him.

"Who are you? This rodent's older sibling?" The adult harshly asked.

(M/n) could feel the younger one's body tremble as they clenched more onto his clothing.

"How much is that loaf of bread?" The (H/c)ette asked with narrowed eyes.

"What?" The adult hissed out.

"How much is that loaf of bread?" The teen repeated in a much more harsher tone.

"Three gold," the adult answered through clenched teeth.

The child's eyes widened in horror, "But the sign said a silver coin!" They cried out with tears popping up in the corner of his eyes.

(M/n) could feel the disbelief of the adult lying to him.

The three of them could feel all the stares gazing at them.

The teen gave an annoyed sigh and tossed three golden coins at the owner's face.

"Now screw off, you thing called a horrible human."

The adult clenched their teeth as they picked up the three coins and went back to their stall.

The child looked up at the teen with wide and teary eyes.

"You didn't have to do that!" The child whimpered out.

(M/n) rolled his eyes a bit and placed a hand on top of the child's head.

"I didn't want you to get in any trouble, plus, you remind me of someone," (M/n) murmured.

The brunette gazed at the other in silent awe.

"I'm guessing you're wondering who I'm talking about?"

The brunette quickly nodded their head.

"Well, he goes by the name of Tommy."

A gasp of excitement and recognition of the name left the brunette's lips.

"You know Tommy?" The child asked with happiness.

The teen felt sweat drip down the side of his face.


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