Chapter Twenty.

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Mariah's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly to see nothing but darkness I looked around an saw the clock '4:01 am' I felt something drip slowly down my face I tried to move my arm but I seemed to have no energy. I tried again an it slowly moved up to my face, I was having mid night chills where I would sweat. A sign of Leukemia. I quickly got up knowing I had no power an got dizzy I shut my eyes really quickly waiting a few seconds an it went away, I got up an slowly walked to the restroom, a bit more like dragging my feet against the ground I grabbed the knob opening the door an switching the light on shutting my eyes from the bright light I shut the door slowly behind me an looked at myself. Dark purple bags under my eyes. I seemed more pale. Smaller. Weaker. Each day it kept getting closer an closer to my due date. I looked at my shirt. Wet. I would just take a quick shower. I stripped down slowly since I had no energy. Every move made me feel sore an even weaker I turned the shower on an let it get warm I put my hand in an felt it warm I got in an was then relaxed by the warm water.

Zayn's P.O.V

I moved around the bed to feel a empty spot next to me then I heard the shower on, so I got it a bit confused it was '4:13' in the morning. So I got out from the sheets an got cold right away only in my boxers, I went to the door an knocked "Urmm..babe? Everything alright?" I asked "yea!" I barely managed to hear Mariah "okay!" I said an just sat on the bed turned on the lamp an waited. 10 minutes passed an I heard the water shut off.

Mariah's P.O.V

I came out an wrapped a fluffy baby blue towel around me. I looked at myself same. I walked out to see Zayn just sitting there "M-Mariah...?" he asked his voice cracking.

Zayn's P.O.V

I just stared at her. She had dark purple bags under her eyes. She seemed waaay more pale. She seemed to shrink a bit. "are you okay?" I asked an she just stood there in the light blue towel

Mariah's P.O.V

"are you okay?" he asked.

No. I'm not I'm light headed, I'm sore, an I don't feel well.

"yea, all good" Lie.Lie.Lie.Lie. But Zayn just kept looking at me "you don't seem good..." he said walking up to me he then came put his hand on my forehead "hmm...your hot....I'm going to go get you some stuff!" he said an ran out the door an I smiled weakly. Still same loving Zayn. :) I got some sweats,a tank top,a hoodie an socks an my under clothes an dragged my feet to the restroom. An I had started changing. I came back out to see Zayn holding a trey with a cup of tea an some crackers an he smiled at me I forced my weak jello legs an sat down on the bed "need anything else?" he asked an I nodded no he gave me the cup of tea an I started taking small sips, it was warm.

Zayn's P.O.V

I can tell by her face she wasn't all was getting closer. No. I took that thought outta my head an just handed her some crackers she smiled weakly at me. Her body shaking like if any moment she would just break. "thank you" she said softly an handed me the empty cup of tea an she nibbled a few bites on the crackers she ate a few an handed it back to me "Thank you Zayn" she said again so softly that if she spoke any louder she would break. I smiled at her an grabbed the things an went out

Mariah's P.O.V

He went out an I slowly laid down not putting the covers over me I looked at the time '4:31' time passes by quickly. He came back in an turned the lamp off "so you sure your fine?" he asked once "100 percent sure" Lies. All Lies. He came an cuddled up to me bringing me closer to him. His heat warming me up. His heart beat. I shut my eyes an smiled an fell asleep.


Next Day!


Zayn's P.O.V

I woke up with my arms wrapped around her an I smiled she looked peaceful. But I knew she wasn't okay. She was starting to get sick. I would miss her so much once...she.....she leaves.....I'd probably do anything to see her again. Her smile. Her beautiful laugh. Everything. But she seemed to be even a bit smaller. I knew she would be very weak now as to how she was Yesterday. Mariah then moved an slowly opened her eyes "morning babe" I said an went down an kissed her forehead "Morning" she said smiling "so how's my wonder girlfriend today?" I asked an she giggled "actually not bad...." she said an I smiled "that's good to hear" I said an I looked at the clock '10:58 am' we both then heard little taps against the floor "I'll go make him something to eat. Get some rest Love" I said an she smiled "your the best" she said an I grinned "I know!" an she started laughing I got up an shut the door behind me "Daddy! You don't have anything on!" Julian said an I looked down...Oops....I only had my boxers on "Sorry Bud!" I said ruffling his hair "I'll go change! Go downstairs an put the t.v. On" I said "what about mommy?" he said. Aargh. Curse his cute puppy eyes "mommy, she's sick. An she needs rest, but today were gonna be going to the new house so I need you on your best behavior okay?" I said an he stood up straight an saluted me "Yes Daddy Sir!" he said an I laughed an he giggles an ran down stairs "be careful!" I yelled "Okay!" he yelled back an I smiled I walked in an saw her already sleeping. I'll just finish her packing so when she wakes up she won't do anything. I went to the drawer an pulled out some soft pajama pants an slipped them on an just stayed without a shirt an went down stairs.


3 hours later!


(still Zayn's P.O.V.)

I had just finished packing Mariah's an Julian's clothes in there cases an it was all by the door as well as mine it was now '2:23' the moving people would be here at 3:00 so I ran to Julian an just picked him up while he giggled "gotta get you changed!" I said an we ran to his room I set him on the bed an grabbed the clothes I laid out for him it was a blue,grey,& white plaided shirt with some black small skinny jeans for him with his blue converse, we changed him an he smiled an brushed his own hair which made me smile it was '2:35' so I told him to go down stairs an I went to our room an opened the door slowly hearing her mumble words I walked over to her an shook her softly "Mariah...?" I said an she stretched out opening her eyes "huh?" she asked sleepy which made me smile "go get changed! The moving people will be here at 3:00!" an she looked at the clock "okay!" she said an slowly got up she went to the closet an shut the door so she can change an I laughed an went to my drawer an took the cargo shorts I left in the drawer an took the pants off an slipped them on Mariah then came out dressed in some new sweats, a baggy shirt with a black under shirt,with some vans an her hair was in a messy bun. She looked beyond perfect'! She walked to the restroom an went in I ran to the closet an looked for some shirts I picked out a black t-shirt with my nike's an I came back Out to see Mariah applying make up "no, babe your beautiful!" I said kissing her cheek "Zayn haven't you seen my face?!" she said covering her bags with something "awww....but still! Your beautiful to me!" I said an kissed her once more an ran down stairs to see Julian sitting on the couch laughing at the show he's watching. An I smiled 'Ding' I heard the door bell an ran to the door I saw the guys am smiled "Mr.Malik?" they asked "the one an only!" I said an they laughed " know what to take already," I said an they nodded an got to work.

[A/N] - Looooong Chapter for the one I missed! But imma start writing again right now.....but I'm probably gonna fast forward time in this yeh....maybe about two more chapters till I start forwarding time, an etc.!

Baby Daddy. (Zayn Malik Story)(GONNA EDIT WHEN IM NOT LAZY.)Where stories live. Discover now