Chapter 2: Cupid got a Shot Gun

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**********I hope you love it, this is a pic of Jason. This chapter is just between Jason and Josh and maybe a little point of view of Timothy. Just pleas leave a commit and vote. If you have any ideas on how to make the story altos more interested I'm all ears. Here you go: Cupid got a shot gun. ******************

I walked for hours and hours trying to forget all about Timothy stupid words. Yes I love guys and not girls. Yes I love cock instead of a pussy, but that is no excuses to be rude and act like that. I was just trying to be friendly not hit on him. I mean yes he is hot with his muscles and his hair short brown, all spike up, and his honey brown eyes that just makes you lose your mind. Any ways it just no excuses I wouldn't make him uncomfortable, if I new he doesn't swing that way I wouldn't do anything. Oh what am I going to do.
"Hay there Josh why are you walking all by your self in the woods?"

" AHHH!"

"Come down Josh its me Jason." He grab me and tried to calm me down a little. It felt good but not wonderful. It still felt like something was wrong with this picture, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Sorry I get spook really easy"

" I can see that. Why are walking by your self? You know it's dangerous walking at night. You might never what is lurking here."

"Oh I lost track of time I didn't see it was getting late."

"So seeing the color from the sky didn't give you a hint?", said Jason with an eyebrow twitching up and down. It's like I was stupid or something for not noticing day turning night.

"Well I was thinking and I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention. I just needed some fresh air from the event that took place in the cabinet."

"And what kind of event took place?"

"Well me and my roommate started in the wrong foot."

"It can't be that bad what happened?"

"I don't know where to start." I was thinking if I should tell him. I mean I hardly know this guy, but he seemed to have an interest in me. I think he does at less. "Let's see I was in the bathroom putting away my things when I heard a thumb. I took a peek and it was a guy I was going to rooming with. I walked behind him and said hi."

"And what happened next?"

"We stayed in silence for couple of minutes then he said don't talk to me faggot, and I am not into guys. Blah blah blah."

"What is this guys name?"


"Oh him. He is super homophobic typical straight guy."

"Yea tell me about it we just had huge argument and I just took off I couldn't deal with a guy like that. And to make it worst is that I am going to have to go back can't sleep hear outside in the cold."

"Well if you want, you could sleep with me."

"Sleep with you?"

"Oh not like that I mean like sleep in the same bed. No no I mean like in bed with me. No I I.. mean.. I just thought...."

"I know what you mean Jason I'm just messing with you that's all. And you don't mind sleeping with a gay guy?"

"No I don't mind I actually gay in matter of fact."

"Really I thought you were straight as an arrow."

"Well just cause I look straight and not act all girly doesn't mean I don't love guys."

"Well I am kinda girly but not to much I'm more in between."

"And that's what I like about you." I started to turn a safe of red. I could feel it; I always know cause when I feel my cheeks heat up I know I'm red.

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