Chapter 22:Three Years From Now

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"Josh the baby is crying and it won't stop. Pleas help me here. I don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong!!!"

" I'm coming!!I'm coming." I walked to the kitchen and saw a huge mess in the floor of our new home.

"What were you two doing here? It looks like a twister had landed here."

"I know it's a mess! But babe can you pleas help me with this demon child. "

"Our nephew is not a demon child it's an angle. Here come here baby."
Jason handed the child to me, but to be honest it's not a baby but a child.

"Josh do you know when Tim and Tiffany coming home from their date. Their three year old child won't stop crying! I'm telling you now we are never taking care of any of their children."

"Oh come on he is not that bad he's just tired and miss his parents that's all. And beside you need to practice it's not long till are child is born."

"I know but it will be our child not theirs and I know for a fact are child will be an angle." By the time he finish talking Tim Jr. fell into deep slumber.

"Oh Jason, our child could come out the same as this beautiful child. I'm going to go and tuck Timothy Jr. to sleep."

"Well that is where your wrong cause I will raise him right."

"Whatever and by the way" I turn around and gave him and stupid face." We are going to raise him" and with that I walked up stairs and tucked him in our bedroom. I wonder what time they will be back it's getting late I hope they get here soon.

As I walked down stairs I here chatter down stairs and it sounds familiar. When I get to the noises I see Tim and Tiffany chatting with Jason.
" hi you guys how was your date night?"

"It was wonderful Tim took me to this new restaurant downtown and it was delicious. Especially the dessert. You know you two should go there one day, we all can go, you will love it Josh."

"I will hold on to you with that. Um I barely put Tim Jr. to sleep up stairs. Why don't you guys stay here for the night. You guys can sleep in are gusse room for the night."

"Sure that's a great idea.", Tim said.

"Well let's all get some rest then and tomorrow you can tell us about your wonderful date.", said Jason. 

Me and Jason walked to are room to get ready for bed. I started to change into my night clothing when Jason went behind me and hugged me.
"You know you should sleep naked tonight for me and maybe do somethings tonight before our child is born. Cause after its born we won't have much fun."

"You know for you anything but if Tim wakes us up tomorrow and sees me naked I don't know what will happen." I was giving a you know what look.

"In second thought wear several layers and I mean every inch of you body."

"When are you going to get over your jealously over your brother?"

"Never "

"I'm already yours and I will always be yours"

"Yes, you will always be mine"
We lean close for I can feel his lips once more before we sleep tonight. His lips are always perfect when it lands on mine. It's like two puzzle pieces that fits together.

When we separated and look at his eyes I thank my mother everyday that she made me go to summer camp. If wasn't for her I don't think I would ever met him.

You never know what you will find if you don't give it a chance. Life can be a mystery at times, and sometimes lust, anger, and jealously hunts in the woods waiting for its next pray.

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