Chapture 7: Undercover

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Yesterday was was wonderful but then turn to the worse. Tim had plan this great surprise for me and it was terrific, I had no words to describe how thoughtful he was. It must taken several hours to plan that kind of romantic evening, but after that when I went to get some fresh air; I found him talking to Tiffany about some huge secret. I wonder what is the big secret that Tiffany won't tell me until it's the right moment, and why can't Tim talk to me about it. I thought Tim was actually falling for me as I was falling for him. In the end I guise I was wrong cause he is hiding something from me, and the only way to find out is for me to investigate.

Today my group were schedule to play volleyball, I actually started to have a great time. Who knew that camping could be fun. I mean it's like the beach in a way cause the lake represent the ocean and there is sand and volleyball net. So in the end it's like a mini beach in the middle of the forest. We divide the group into a group of five, and to tell you the truth I was the shorties in my group. I'm only 5'2 no wonder I'm usually the female in the relationship oh well what can I do right. As the opposite team hit the ball up in the air; it was going towards me I didn't know what to do, but some reason my body reacted and hit the volleyball. This tall tan guy was running where the ball was headed and instead of hitting the ball he hit one of his team mates by accident. I know I shouldn't be laughing but it was hilarious.
One of are camp counselors went over to check on them, she inspected them and make sure nothing major was broken. They said they were fine so continue the game until the game end with 16 to 12. As the score board showers my team actually won the game, I was surprised I had scored four times for the team.

"Ok we are going to take a brake and head for lunch so go ahead and go to dinner hall. Oh and after lunch we will met by the field to shoot some bow and arrows." Are cheaply happy counselor said.
I did feel hungry at all so I went of to search for Jason and talk to him. I need some questions answered from what I heard last night. Things need to be cleared and hopefully Jason can clear them up for me. I search for him everywhere from the lake to the field and the dinner hall, and the only place to search would be the forest. I though to my self maybe he is by the waterfall. It was the place he took me for my first date with him, maybe I will find him there. I took the same path he took me the last time, and to tell you the truth I forgot how far it was. I was almost out of breath, and had to take little brakes here and there. In addition from being tired I was getting a little hungry, maybe I shouldn't had skip lunch. To my surprise I started to hear little drops of water falling, and then started to get louder and louder.

I'm so glad I was getting closer and closer. When I took the final step I saw Jason seating in the ground by the water. He had his feet in the clear blue water, I look up T the water fall and it still takes my breath away. How beautiful is this sight, I felt really lucky in seeing this with my own eyes. I was truly thankful for Jason showing me this wonderful piece of art that Mother Nature had put together.
"Josh is that you?" I quickly turn away from the waterfall and stare at those eyes that I never had the chance to really admire.

"Hay Jason, I'm glad that I found you here."

"Why is that Josh?" I can't seem to stop stealing to those blue, green, hazel eyes of his.
"Josh hello earth to Josh" I shacked my head from those luring eyes of his.
"You seemed really out of it. Are you ok?"

"Um...yea I am ok. It's just that your eyes they are beautiful."

"Well thank You very much your eyes are the one's that are beautiful." His little comment just mad me heat right up.

"Um thanks Jason."

"Your welcome. So what can I help you with Josh?"

"Well I got a couple of questions to ask you."

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