Chapter 11: Not Hearing

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"My names is Louise"

"Hi, as you can see I'm in a hot mess"

"Yea I can see. Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's just stupid things, I mean it evolve me falling for two brothers and I choose one of them and now the other won't stop loving me."

"Ok slow down, what about we go back to my cabinet and I will make us some hot tea and we can talk about it. What do you think?"

"That sounds good."

"Ok then, follow me"
He took me back to his room and to tell the truth it was scary at first cause we took an hour to get here and it was in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that was surrounding this house is woods and animals. When I say house I mean an actual house, not those cabinets houses that I am living.
It was actually pretty in the inside as the outside.

It looks like he was a millionaire, from the furniture to electronics that the house carried.
"Do u love what you see?"

"What I love is everything in this house it's amazing."

"If you loved the living room just wait till you see the kitchen."
Louise led me to the kitchen that had my eyes pop out of my face. This kitchen looks like a professional cooks here. It was amazing.
"Would you like caramel tea or vanilla tea?"

"Um vanilla tea sounds good."

"Ok" he got the kettle filled with water and turn the stove on.
"What about I go get some pant for you can wear. Well I don't mind you being without pants since you have a nice ass."

"It would be nice wearing pants and thanks for the complement. Besides its getting a little chilly in here."

"Alright then I will be right back. But can you take care of the kettle?"

After he left I was looking around the kitchen admiring the detailed design. From the floor to the ceiling, it was like an angel had come down from the heaven above to paint a  beautiful picture. Then all sudden I heard whilst coming form the kettle let me know it's ready.

"I'm back"

"Just in time the water is ready."

"Good, here is some sweatpants, but remember I don't mind if you don't wear it ok."

"Well I'm wearing it."
While I was putting my pants, I see Louise get vanilla tea bags for are tea.
"That smell really good can't wait to taste it."

"Let's drink in the living room and talk about your sticky situation."
He had put everything on a silver plater that had other things like cube of sugar and cream.
I sat across from Louise and to add this couch is so comfortable. It feels like I'm sitting on a cloud.

"Would like any sugar or cream on your tea?"

"Just 2 cubes of sugar no cream please"
As he was preparing the tea I got the chance to look around the living room. It's beautiful, that's all I had to say.

"I bought this house a few years ago. Do love it?"

"Yes, yes I do. If you don't mind how much did this place cost you?"
He had me the tea and started to drink the goodness taste of vanilla in my mouth. It was like kissing Jason. I..I..mean Timothy, it taste like Timothy.

"It was around $750,000 pulse the remodeling. So it around million dollars"
My mouth had hang open, who new it would cost that much.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you the first time m-m-m-much again?"

"About million dollars"

"Who would pay that much?"

"A person who owns a lot of company's around the world."

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