Chapter 12: Explain

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This is a pic of Josh's mother. Love it or no? Well here is your chapter 12.
As I ran I stop by the waterfall Jason had brought me, I know it's a bad idea but to tell you the truth it makes me think, relax, and find answers.
How can Louise know it's not Jason's baby but Timothy's instead? I mean if it was Timothy I think he would let me know. I can't let Louise mind games get to me. That is what it is, just mind games.

Just in case me and Timothy need to talk. I'm going to find all the answers even if it kills me. I took one last look at the beautiful waterfall and head back to my problems. As I entered the room, my mouth had fell down to floor. There was a lot of damage in this room. Beds were flipped, mirrors were shattered, and some blood on the floor. I hope they are both ok, I mean I don't want neither one of them to get hurt.
"Where in the hell have you been!!!!!!!"
I turn around and saw a very pissed of Timothy. Why was he pissed off for?
"Didn't you hear where the fuck have you been!!!!!!!" I was getting a little scared at this point. His eyes were red as blood and his ears we smoking.

"Tim..Tim...mothy why are are you yelling at me? What did I do wrong?"

"why?!? Why!??! cause my boyfriend took off half naked and haven't heard from him for hours!! Do you have any idea what time it is!!!???" I looked at the window and saw it was getting dark. Was I out that long; I guise I lost track of time when I was with Louise.

"Look I couldn't deal with you and your brother right then. I needed to get my mind out of this sticky situation."

"Sticky situation?!?!!"

"Yes sticky, you got to see that this whole thing is messed up!!!! From Tiffany saying Jason is a father and Louise telling me you are the actual father!!!" He seemed pissed off. One his noise is flaring up like a dragon.

"I'm going to repeat this once and only once. When and where did you meet Louise?!!!??!!!"
Does he really know him or something? The way he said it felt like he was throwing knifes at Louise.

"Why do u want to know? And do you know Louise?"

"Josh tell me!!! Where is he!!!"

"You do know him. How do you even know him Timothy." Then it hit me like a lighting bolt. "Do you want to know where Louise is cause what he said is true."

"Josh what he said it...its.."

"So it is true what he said."

"Josh hear me out. What ever he...."

"It's a simple question Timothy!!" This hold up is not working for me. It's pissing me off even more.


"Yes or no"

"No!!!!! Ok no that's not my baby but my brother's"
He was lying. I can tell from his eyes. One way or another I will find out the truth. Even if I need to go back tomorrow and talk to Louise to get things clear. 

"Ok, I believe you" It hurt me by saying that when in fact I don't.

"I'm sorry babe I shouldn't yelled at you. I'm sorry I'm truly am. I was worried about you. And I will clean up this place tomorrow."

"Fine by me" I put my realist happy face I can put on.

"Let's get some rest."

"How are we goin...." He read my mind cause he flip his bed and clear it off for we can sleep on.

"Shall we sleep my princess."

"Your princess. I might look like female in some way but I'm a male ok" I said in a stern voice.

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