Chapter 5: Hunting For Sekletons In The Closet

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It's been two days since I last talk to Jason and Timothy. Of course I see Timothy still since we share a cabinet,but I hadn't talked to him at all. Right now seeing how the lake looks is beautiful; nice and calm nothing to worry about. I wish my life right at this moment could be like this lake. Where it just calm and not destructive.

"Josh aren't you going to go inside? It's fun everyone is inside enjoying themselves. Why not you?" The stupid camp councilor said with a cheery voice. How annoying her voice is right now.

"I don't feel like it right now ok. So just go away and take that cheery smile of yours while your at it." I know I became a little rude but I couldn't stand it. One minute I thought I was having a good time with Jason, then Timothy drops the bomb in telling me they are brothers. On top of that they both to seem to like me and I like them both. How can I the bond of two brothers.

"Come on what's wrong you can tell me."

"Well I guess since I am going crazy and your do only one here."

"Good now spill" I told her everything from the beginning to end. She gave me a wow faced. It seemed like she was just speechless. I mean I would if someone told me the same.
"Ok let me get this straight you are in love with both brothers and you didn't know they were brother's"


"And they both love you and this girl Tiffany is still in love with Jason and she said she will do what ever to be with him. And one more thing you fought her."

"Yes and yes and yes and yes" she gave me a shocked and shameful face. It was like watching mother getting after me with just one look.
"What don't look at me like that. You wanted to know, and don't blame me I never knew this would happen and if I did I would of stayed away"

"I am not getting after you its just that, I am shocked and trying to comprehend everything."

"I know I know so what should I do?"

"Well you could see and ask yourself who do you love more. Jason or Timothy and let the other one down easy."

"But it's really hard to choose."

"I know but you have to make a chose. Look talk to both of them and get to know about each other. Ok"

"Ok thanks"

"No problem"
With that she left and leaving me with my thoughts again. Maybe she is right talking to both of them will help me. I got up and started to walk to the lake and take a swim when all sudden a pair of arms wrapped my waist and took me to behind the bushes.

"What the hell!!!! Get your dam hand of me you perv?!!!!!"

"It's me Josh, Jason"

"What the hell! Why did you do that!"

"Don't yell. I just wanted to talk to you and see you."

"Well you didn't have to sneak behind me and kidnap me like that. All you had to do was so 'hay Josh can we talk for a second' that's not hard is it."

"No but I couldn't let my brother get to you first ok."

"Jason I don't know how I feel about all this. You got to understand I like both of you guys but I don't now who I am in love with just yet"

"Look Josh let me explain. Yes we are brothers but I have always let my brother win and take away everything I love. And I am not going to let him this time. I am going to get what is truly mine" his face it look like he is determined to make me his, and no one else.

"How long were you going to hide this from me?"

"Until we get married."

"I am not joking Jason. I mean it how long?"

"I don't know if I told you, you might freaked out and never talk to me ever again. Like you are doing Josh. We haven't talked or seen each other for two days. It was making me crazy Josh. I needed to see you,touch you, kiss you. And you just ignored me?!?"

"Jason you got to understand this was new to me. New information that just got out without telling me heads up."

"I know but you could of talked to me still and I could of explain to you about everything"

"I know but I needed time. I need to see who I want to see and who I want to be."

"Have you decided?"

"Not yet I still need to talk to Timothy in order to make up my mind"

"Ok, but don't for get about this." At that moment he pushed his lip onto mine. He but the top of my lips asking for entrance. I could say no I was melting on his lips. It felt wonderful, special loving.

"Don't for get about that."
Then he left me and went back to the group that was shooting bows and arrows.

What should I do. I just need to relax maybe a little swim could help me. I felt the water in between my toes and it felt nice and cool. Brushing away summer heat and summer drama. I swam for hours and hours both thinking about anything, but the water. I swam back to shore and to my bad timing the miss oh mighty bitch, Tiffany just look at me with her dead eyes.

"How can I help you Tiffany?"

"You left me a goddam scar on my cheek."

"Aww well sorry but I can't fix that."

"You can't but Jason can. He can kiss and it will go away, but wait he is not with me his with a whore."

"Oh Tiffany you words are like little toy gun bullets, harms less", I said with a force.

"Well let my harmless words get to your head. One of them is lying to you and besides I just need one of them anyways cause I am carrying something important for him."

"Carrying what Tiffany and for who?"

"There is only one way to find out and I will let you know when it's the right timing."

"Tiffany you need to tell me."

"Why do you all sudden what me to tell you?"

"It's just I..I...I.. Don't know who I...."

"Love, well that what make it great and wonderful. I should tell you when you chose. Then I will let you know if u made the right chose."


"Goodbye for now" I can't believe she had the last word. Of all people she had the last word. And what does she mean carrying something. What is she carrying; a secret about one of them.
Why is it more difficult, why couldn't it be easy I really need help right about now. The only person that could help me is busy right now. She is in a meeting and I can't distract he at all. It was getting dark so are councilors let us get change and head for dinner hall for dinner. I walked back to my cabinet with worries running in my head. I started to think who I got the chance to talk to Jason and Tiffany but not Timothy yet. I hope nothing happens just cause he is the last person I need to talk to in other to make up my mind.

I entered with exhausted and to my surprise the room looked completely different.
What do you guys think so far? What does Tiffany have in the closet? What should Josh do? And what had change? You got to wait and see.

Jealous Hunts In The Woods ( Star-x-Boys)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang