Chapter 20: Leaving Camp Part 1

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I'm getting use to wakening up with someone special every morning. He is the air I need to breath , I feel alive once again. It's funny how things work out in the end.
Jason's long arms were squeezing the love out of me. Every time I try to move one inch, he makes it harder to escape from his grasp.

It makes me happy that he doesn't want me to leave his sight even if he is asleep.
Turning over for I could see Josh's face, makes me love him more. He looks like a  monkey with his mouth open, but he is my adorable monkey.

Then in the corner of my eyes I see the window and the sun's bright colorful colors bloom out. Yes, today is a perfect morning, but in every perfect morning there're must be something to ruin it.
I forgot today is the day we pack up and leave camp. I know I will see Jason back in town, but I won't be able to spend time with him for awhile. One cause my mother wants me to know her new husband.

Which I don't mind ,but I would like to spend time with my boyfriend too.  What to do?
I gusse I could ask my mother for permission to let Jason join me. I mean my mother needs to know him to.

Oh I wonder how see will react when I tell her we had sex. Boy it will be tough for Jason to be in my mother good side. I mean he took her only son's flower away. I wonder what she wou.....
"Good morning angel."

I was into my thoughts that I didn't realize Jason was awake.
"What is wrong Josh?"

"Oh nothing just thinking that's all."

"What have you been thing about?"

"Well for one what is going to happen after today since camp is over. And second how my mother will react when I tell her you took my flower away."

"First, we will go back home and be a lovely couple as we were here. Secondly, you will not tell your mother I took your flower . Cause she might rip my dick off, and I kinda need that to fuck her son."

"She will not cut your dick off.......I think."

"You see."

"I won't won't let her cause I love cock so much."

"You might love it but not ur mother."

"Calm down would you."

"Just saying. Hay by the way what time is it?"

"I don't know. Let me check."
I turn over to reach my phone and I already have 3 missed calls and 10 missed text I wonder who it might be. I open my phone and saw it was coming from Timothy. I wonder what is the big emergency to have so many missed text and phone calls.

"What are looking Josh?"

"Oh nothing just missed calls from my mother."

"Oh ok what time is it?"

"It's five till Eleven."

"Shit I better get packing then I forgot to do it yesterday."

"I told you Jason. And now you are going to be in a rush to pack?"

"It ok babe I have plenty of time to pack."

"Yea you got an hour to pack before are family's get her to pick us up."

"You see an hour plenty of time."
If we have so much time then why does he look like he is chasing a headless rooster.
He got dressed and gave me a peck on the lips. It was just a quick is but it felt like it was he longest.
"See you an hour or so ok babe"

"Ok and make sure you pack everything."

"Fine mother. Whatever you say." He just blew me a kiss and left.

I finish packing yesterday for I could just relax and not worry like Jason. Now what to do?
Wondering off to the bathroom my phone rang a sudden.

"It's about time you wake up Josh. I been calling you and messaging you. Why haven't you answer any of my calls?"

"We I over slept because of certain someone."

"And can that be my little brother?"

"Hay he is only 2 minutes younger than you. You two at partially the same."

"No, I'm older by 2 minutes. Any ways I was wondering if we can talk?"

"Sure let me just shower and I will meet you by the theater."

"I will be in your room in few minutes. Bye."

"Tim.. Ti....hello?" I can't believe he hang up. Whatever I need a long shower.

After a long shower with bubbles flying around like birds, I cover my body with a tower. I always had a habit of covering my waist and my chest even though I don't have breast. It just that I always seen my mother do it that way and my father not being around I stick with what my mother was doing.

Maybe that's why I act a female at times. Oh well it is what it is.
I had forgot my toothbrush standing by the bed-stand.

Opening the door to get it, my eyes flew out of the window.
"Tim what are you doing here? I am have naked here"

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked."

"You only seen the bottom of me not the top."

"Yea, man my brother is lucky this time."

"Well yea, but you need to leave before he gets here and have a heartache."

"Why would he?"

"Cause I am half naked here!!!!"
He rolled his eyes like it was nothing.

"Just get dress."

I got my baby blue skinny jeans and red deep neck shirt. I walk to the restroom and I could feel Tim steering my ass.
I turn around and stick my tongue before I closed the door.

Tim P.O.V

I couldn't stop staring at him, he will be the one that I regret losing. My little brother was lucky to have him. He is sweet and caring and strong.

I know I am giving Tiffany and me another shot, but it scares me at the same time. On top of that a baby on its way. We all still in high school, and I don't know how my parents will react at this point. That's what I need to talk to Josh about.  

That and something important as well. It could brake Josh's relationship with my brother. I wasn't thinking back then it just happen. I know my brother might hate me, but not as much as Josh will.
I need to correct my mistakes now before its to late. I don't want to be the one that made Josh's future crumble. 
" so what do you want to talk about Tim."

I looked up from my hands and saw the most beautiful guy in the world. Man was my brother lucky.
Well here it goes, now more holding it back.

What do you goes think? What is the final twist? What did Tim do? Only two more chapter till its all over. Please vote and comment.

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