Chapter 4: Time to stay away or go after

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Yup Bella thorn is Tiffany and you will see her very very soon. She is the, well let's say she is the key who will make Josh decide who he wants to stay. Jason or Timothy? So any ways here it's chapter 4.

Timothy p.o.v

Not able to sleep one minute at all since Josh, I think it's his name never showed up. I got really worried, I went out to grab some ass and that didn't do the trick. I fucked her for hours and hours and nothing. He is still in my head; I can still remember how he looked at me when we first meant. His eyes were the brown but Honey brown, and his lips were just so pink and plum. They were meaty and juice just waiting for me to take a bite. Ahh I can't think straight I better go to a bar, and try to forget about him. Maybe a couple of drinks will do the trick.

I started to walk to the nearest bar there was and. Luckily my uncle owns it. So the drinks will be free for me and legal. I walked up the the hearts stool and waved at my Uncle Dan.

"Hay Timmy how you doing what can I get for you?"

"Hello Uncle Dan, give me a beer"

"Alright then be right back"
You must be wondering why he could me Timmy and that is simple all my family call me Timmy it's like a nick name for me. My grandmother called me Timmy before she died; so honor of my grandmother everyone calls me Timmy since I was her favorite grandchild.

"Here you go Timmy"


"So what you doing here it's early in the morning and your having a beer. So what's up, what's going on your mind?"

"I don't know what your talking about Uncle. I just wanted to get out."

"Hmmm get out huhu. Come on who are fooling what is going on or I'm going to have to stop giving you alcohols until your 21."

"You wouldn't dar!"

"Try me sonny boy.!.!" I could see his pocket face and that only means he is serious about it. Might as well since he is my Uncle and my favorite one that understand me more than anyone else.

"Fine you win"

"Good now spill"

"I meant my roommate and he said hello."

"Ok and then what?"

"Well when he said hello I turn and the first thing I saw was his beautiful eyes and his pink plum lips. Caramel color skin wait it was lighter than Carmel but not to much." I was explaining to my Uncle how he looked I swear my heart picked up and I could feel his breath and see him in front of me. Leaving the day we met.

"I see you like him."

"Well I don't know I'm confused"

"What is there to be confused?"

"He is a guy G.U.Y"

"And? I don't see the problem?"

"Uncle how can say I like him I mean I think I do. All I can think is him. I tried to distract my self with sex and other things but nothing seems to work. What should I do"

"First you need to tell him your crazy about him cause you are. And then try it. We will love you no matter what you are."

"But what about my parents they are going to kick me out or get pissed off."

"Your parents my brother will not kick you out because your gay. You and your brother are the only grandchildren and nephews we have. We will never disown you or hm."

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