Chapter 17: Facing All Lies

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Jason P.O.V

Stuck in this room filled with black clouds; insuring me how it feels to be betrayed, hurt, lost, and alone. I once had everything then I lost everything. What can people say? How do they go on?

Asking the same question over and over again. Why is this happening to me? Do I deserve happiness just this once? Tiffany lied to me, my brother betrayed me, and Josh made me feel hurt, lost and alone all at once.
I never thought it will hurt this much, it feels like I had fallen to a deep dark place. My heart is to damage to even be fixed. I am to far from recovering.

Josh why? Why did you have to believe every word that came out from that conniving she devil. Why did you have to give your heart to a man full of lies. I could of given you more. I could of given you happiness, safety, warmed, and most importantly love.

No, you had to run towards the sea of flames. I tried to stop you, but I was to weak.

I didn't know till now, my eyes started to make it rain. Every drop hitting the ground, water the soil that is keeping my body to fall deep underground.
"Why!!!!! Why Josh!!!"
I couldn't hold it any-longer, it hurts to much to bare.

My body is to num to feel anything, and my heart had stop working. Leaving me to hang in the balance of life and death.
"Josh I loved you with all my heat. And you have to go to the monster. Sorry, sorry. Sorry for being weak. Pleas forgive me!!!!!"
I can't let this tears stop from falling, it keeps going.

I want to blame him. Blame him for leaving me for someone who doesn't love, but deep inside me, I can't. I can't blame him for the decisions he had made.

No, not him!!! The people who I have to blame is them!!! Because of them are love had crumpled into pieces!!! My tears had turn into anger and my fists is ready to taste fresh blood!!!
I'm going to give them a piece of my mind and believe me there will be one person standing in the end.

"It's going to be me!!!!"
I started walking threw the woods to find the camp site and chase after my two pray.

Nothing showed up, not a single person who I want to destroy. Where the fuck can they be!!! I'm losing my patience here. I'm holding by a very very very thin wire. Once that wire brakes all hell will brake lose.

No one will stop me from raging on. There is one place where I didn't check and that is the waterfall I had showed Josh. It's a magical place for us only, but I got a sick feeling in my stomach that is where I will find them.

The feeling you get when you know somethings is about to happen, sends shivers down your spine. You end up being so tense that your body turn into stone. Why am I getting this feeling?

Is it cause I'm about to get revenge or cause I might end up losing my only other brother. The smell of fresh plants hits my nose, giving me heads up. Nothing is going to back me down. I'm giving my all, and claim every that is rightfully mine!!!!!

"There you are mother fucker!!!" He had no time to react at all. I made us stumble to the ground. I pinned him to the ground and got my fist to punch every lie. He lied about the baby. He lied about not bowing anything. He lied about loving Josh!!!

"You are going to regret this Tim!! You should have never gotten between me and Josh.!! He is mine and will always be!!!" I keep on punching him like a stupid doll he is. My fist started to bleed with impact it was making.

With out noticing my brother block my fist and turn us over. To my instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist and squeeze the life out of him. What had socked me was he started to rise from the floor, caring me in the mid air and then all sudden my back felt intense pain. Tim slam me to the ground real hard, forcing my legs to let go.

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