Chapter 16: Broken Mirror

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Tiffany P.O.V

I need to go and talk to Timothy about my decision. It might be unfair, but it's my only option. There is no one here to help me or make me stay. The only person I was willing to find away to stay, even if it met to destroy someone else's life, is gone. I got up and walk to Timothy's cabin to face what been broken.

"Timothy are you there?" I knock couple times, but no answer. "Tim can I come in we need to talk. It's important." Nothing again, what is up with this kid. I knock at the door once more when he finally open the door.

When he did I was torn in what I saw. His eyes were filled with sorrow and his face expression looks like he has been threw hell. "Tim what's wrong?"

"Josh, Josh broke up with me."

"I'm sorry about that. Maybe I should leave it's not that important anyway." I was going to turn around until a hand stopes me.

"No!! Don't leave. Look if it's important then you can tell me. It will give me something to distract myself."

"Really Tim it's nothing. You have to many things on your plate."

"What is it about? Is it about the baby?"
How did he know? Does he know about my plan?
"It is. Come inside let's talk."


I sat down on his bed and starting to thing how I can tell him without hurting him. I know he will be more heart broken then the state he is in. In the end the truth needs to be out, not hidden like before.
"Tim I know your hurt right now and maybe this will hurt you even more, but just know I'm doing it for you. I don't want you to worry and be held down, nor stop you from loving someone else."

"Tiffany just tell me."

"After camp is over I'm moving to my brother's house."

"Wait what?!?!"

"I'm moving Tim. It's for the best. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. I hurt you so much that I don't want you to feel obligated to take care of this child."

"Obligated?!?!?!! Tiffany this is my child and you want to take it from me!!!"

"I'm not trying to take it away from you. You can see this child anytime, but I will be moving."

"Why? Why now? You didn't want to move with your brother before."

"Tim, you got to understand that I have nothing. My parents will not take care of me and this child. My brother is my only chose."

"What about me? I can help you. I got responsibilities."

"Yes, it's true you do, but...but....but I had..cause you so much pain. You were in love with Josh and I had gotten between you guys. I forced your brother to believe this is his child. I had done so much God dam pain. You got to understand everyone I look at a mirror I can't even see my own reflection anymore. There is so much cracks, that I don't know who I am."

"Tiffany don't say that. Your not the only one who did all that. I cause it to, and to make it worst I had cause more pain than you. I knew the truth but I kept my mouth shut. I kept it shut when you told my brother or when Josh ask me if that child was mine."


"No Tiffany it's my responsibility and I will take care of us. Yes it's hurts me that Josh left me but think it's for the best. I think my brother and Josh will make a great couple. And...and you and me should try to be one for are child. Tiffany I still have feelings for you. My heart was between you and Josh. Just give us a try. I'm not saying cause he broke up with me. I'm saying it cause I was to blind and stupid."

"Timothy I would love to, but..but..."

"But what Tiffany!! Just say yes please I'm begging you."
All I could see was he was trying really hard. He got down on his knees and looked at my eyes filled with sorrow. Maybe I should give us another chance, maybe it won't hurt like the last time. I had always loved him and still do at this very moment.

When I was thinking and saying it, in a mirror; I thought for sure I was prepared for this. But, boy was I wrong, who knew this conversation would turn south. What should I do?

"Timothy is this what you want to do?"

"Yes, Tiffany it is. I might have lost a chance to love. But I might gain something more than that. And that is a family that will fix my broken heart. Once I see that baby born I know for a fact that everything had happen for a reason."

"Ok then Tim I will give us a try." He immediately hug me and Reyes to kiss me in the lips but I block it off and made him kiss my cheek. Just cause I'm giving us another chance doesn't mean we will pick up where we left. I can't never forget about the past but we can move on to the future, in baby-steps.
"Sorry to fast?"

"Yes, I mean you just got your heart broken so maybe we should take baby steps?"

"Ok, it's fine with me as long as I proof to you in in it for the long run."

Tim P.O.V.

Maybe yes, I am scared for us, and yes I got my heart broken by someone who I might never find. But in the end what hurt me the most is not able to se my child born or grow up. Yes, I had loved Tiffany and part of me still have feelings for her. I am willing to try and move on for the child and most important myself.

It will take time and like she said baby-steps will be needed in this relationship between us. I will try hard and prove to her and me. Truth is I wish josh the very best. He deserves someone better than me, and I think I know the person that is.
What do you thing? Is Tim making the right move? Or should Tiffany just move on and live whit here brother? Do you guys love this chapter? Pleas leave commit and vote for your favorite chapter. Till next time more children.😘😉😊

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