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Running was always peaceful this time of year. Even if he knew that it would do him no good, Y/n still found peace in the crunching of leaves under his feet and the smell of the autumn air.

With each thump of his feet on the concrete, he got even more excited to be in the safety of his own home. That feeling quickly dispersed when a shorter males nose slammed itself into his chest.

"-Ah! Oh..Omg! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you!" A boy with messy hair quickly spat out, tending to his throbbing nose.

"Oh, your fine. I guess I shouldn't have cut the corner like that..." The taller said as he smoothed out the spot on his shirt.

Y/n looked the boy up and down, noting the uniform he was wearing matched his own. "I think we go to the same school. I'm Y/n L/n." The teen bluntly stated as an introduction.

The shorter teen took the opportunity to study the boy in front of him as well. Upon seeing that they were wearing the same uniform pants, he let a large smile adorn his face. "I'm Jiwoo Seo!"

For some reason, the vampire unconsciously let a small smile form on his face, "Right. Well, it was nice meeting you, maybe we'll see each other at school."

Jiwoo looked up at Y/n in surprise, "Oh--yeah! I hope so too!"

With that, the two parted ways--


The way home didn't feel as peaceful as Y/n wanted it to be for he had someone accompanying him. He didn't hate Jiwoo, he just didn't expect him to be so awkward in these situations.

While parting ways, Y/n soon realized that they were both indeed heading in the same direction. Having already said their goodbyes, both teens felt it would be to awkward to start conversation again. Not to mention that they also kept a wide space between each other as to not be too close.


"Hmm?" Y/n hummed, looking over to his right at Jiwoo.

"Uhm...I live this way..." The other teenager said, scratching at the back of his neck, "I'll see you later!" He begun walking away, waving a hand in the air.

Y/n breathed out a long sigh. His whole body seemed to slump inward as he finally reached his doorstep.

Sliding the rusted key in the keyhole, Y/n swung open the door to reveal a relatively clean home which greatly contrasted the outside of the house. The h/c haired teen slid his shoes off, placing them near the door.

A pair of bright green eyes peered from over the white couch. Y/n huffed while rubbing in-between the cats eyes at his white fur. "Sorry Leo, I always have to leave huh?"

Turning towards the kitchen, he made his way to a certain cabinet. The floorboards creaked as he stepped in front of it, rummaging around for the cat food. The pureblood pulled out a can of food for his cat, immediately catching the attention of the feline.

The green eyed cat hopped into the countertop, watching closely to what he was doing. "Goodness Leo I'm feeding you now," He rolled his eyes at the cats behavior.


Resisting the urge to roll his eyes again, Y/n flexed his hand, the nails turning a deep black shade as they sharpened. He dug one into the can, slicing the side and successfully opening it. He then dumped the contents into the empty food bowl.

Y/n trudged to the couch, grabbing the tv remote before switching on the news. He listened with half interest as they discussed the sudden fall in crime rates and the rise in vampire-related activities the area.

"I think the real question is, how are we going to get rid of them?"

Y/n's fist clenched as the male news anchor continued to discuss how the local police were currently handling the vampires. He couldn't help but feel slightly angry. Not at the police, or the news, but at his own kind. Vampires.


Early morning came quickly, to quick for Y/n who's hair was tousled in every way imaginable. The vampire glared threateningly at his blaring alarm clock. He let out a deep sigh before reaching to turn it off. Clicking down the button on the top, yet the sound hadn't disappeared.

Y/n finally opened his eyes all the way and began repeatedly clicking the button while balling up his hand into a fist in the process. With one final burst of anger, the teen successfully destroy the plastic block of hell into many pieces.

Groggily brushing off the remaining plastic shards on his shirt, Y/n huffed before deciding to finally start getting ready for the day. He slipped on the gray uniform that he hastily ripped from his closet along with the blue tie that he found draped over his desk chair.

Racing out his bedroom door, the pureblood greeted Leo who had been sitting outside his room. He slammed open the front door, jamming his feet inside his old shoes before stumbling outside and locking the door.

The brisk air hit his face as he made a beeline down the empty alleyways that were conveniently placed for his journey to school. Upon turning down the fifth alleyway, a nervous bubble settled in his stomach.

His backpack. He forgot his backpack. The realization hit him like a bullet as he used a small amount of his powers to race back home. Swiftly grabbing his bookbag, the vampire began sprinting to school.

The bell echoed through the empty hallways just as he stepped in. Y/n huffed in annoyance, he had been fashionably late again. If it hadn't been that he left his backpack, the tardiness would have never occurred. Arriving at his homeroom door, the h/c teen hesitantly pushed it open, meeting the eyes of his teacher.

"Y/n....your late....again." His teacher sternly said to him, glancing up at the clock just above the door.

"Ah....I'm sorry I slept in and-"

"I've heard enough. This is the third time this week. Just sit down."

Y/n slumped in his seat, setting his bag on the floor next to him. Ignoring the snickering happening behind him, the vampire felt a pair of eyes linger for a bit longer than the rest of the classes had.

Looking behind himself, the pureblood caught eyes with an unfamiliar kid sitting not to far away from him. He looked like a loner at first glance, his short black hair and glasses didn't help with the fact.

He averting his gaze from the newcomer, Y/n looked down at Jiwoo who sat just a seat behind him. The boy had a bit of drool rolling down the side of his face.

The teen felt for the boy, being tired as well. Without realizing it, he too put his head down on his desk, falling into a dreamless sleep.



Y/n jolted awake at the sudden boom, quickly realizing he was at school, he assumed his teacher wasn't too happy with him at the moment. His eyes trailed up to his teacher, holding a book which he had slammed on his desk.

"I've been calling you two for the last 5 minutes, class is already over."

The vampire lowered his head a tad in shame, glancing over at Jiwoo who had dried drool trickling down his chin. He concluded that the other male must have fallen asleep as well.

"May I leave?" Jiwoo asked, seemingly eager to leave.

"Y-yes I suppose.." he said, side eyeing Y/n.

"I guess I'll take my leave as well." With that, he picked up his bag, walking out of the room.

(Update from the future: I might start to clean up these first few chapters as I had just started writing when I wrote these and I definitely have improved over time!!!!)

(Update Part 2: This whole chapter has been rewritten and lengthened. I cringe when I reread my old stuff because I feel like it's terrible.)

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