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Y/n shouted for the little vampire, calling his name every corner he turned in hopes of hearing his voice again. "Taichi please!" Sweat dripping down his face, Y/n continued his search far back into the club. Opening door after door the pureblood was met with disappointment as each room proved to be empty.

Suddenly and without a doubt, a faint whisper echoed in the darkness. "Taichi!? Taichi is that you?!" Y/n followed the small voice, bringing him to a large door, one he hasn't opened yet. Reaching down to the handle, Y/n prepared for the worst. Taichi could be half dead at this point for all he knew. Quickly, he swung open the door, wincing at the hard light that enveloped his eyes. 



The small boy leapt onto the teenager, sobbing into his shirt, "I'm so sorry!" He cried through his tears. "What...?" Y/n pulled the little vampire away from his shirt, taking a good look at him, "You have nothing to be sorry for bud, its not your fault. If anything, I'm the one to be sorry."  Y/n said, gently wiping the tears off of Taichis face, "Now, lets go home. The cats are waiting for you."

Lifting the boy up, Y/n stepping over bloodied clothing and large pieces of rubble. 


What...? Y/n glanced behind him, clutching Taichi closer to himself. Swarming around them, a large swat team aimed their weapons at the pureblood. Slowly lifting his arms up and carefully trying to shield Taichi from all angles, "Now turn around slow--".

"--That's enough." A strong voice cut through the women's words, the sound of heels coming closer to the large group. Y/n's eyes widening, immediately recognizing the voice, Jiyoung Yoo. 

"I think we'll take it from here." She spoke with confidence, continuing coming closer to the swat team. "Ah, Jiyoung Yoo. I didn't expect to see you here manhandling my business." The women's voice boomed through the destroyed room, "Now kid, put your hands up and turn around!"

"I said we'll take it from here Detective."

"Ah. So he's one of yours . . . Y'know like freaky and all that, with all of that magic power stuff you do. Huh?" The Detective spoke in defense, purposely trying to get under Jiyoung's skin, moving her hands around in a sparkly motion around her. "That's enough."

Jiyoung crossed the Detectives pathway, blocking her view of the white haired teen. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some business to take care of." She continued to come closer to the teen.

Still turned around, Y/n hugged the whimpering boy closer to him. "I still can't let you do that. He's killed far to many people to be left in your hands." The Detective came closer as well, glaring into the back of Jiyoung's head.

Looking behind himself, Y/n met the eyes of Jiyoung. "I thought I told you many times before, I'll take care of it."

Then, within the tensity of the area, the Detective was kicked across it, a black and white blur speeding over their heads.






Y/n soared over a number of buildings, Taichi tight in his grasp. He still couldn't wrap his head around the former event's. He landed on a taller building, staring off in the distance. Did Jiyoung really know it was him? Or did she feel bad because she knew he was young? Y/n replayed the moment in his head, Jiyoung telling him to kick the detective and run.

It didn't seem like her, at all.

"Y/n...?" The pureblood seemed to be in such a daze of confusion that he had forgotten about the small boy in his arms. "Ah-Taichi? What's wrong?" Taichi crawled out of Y/n's arms, staring at the city below them. "Are they gonna find us again?"

"Who?" Y/n looked down at the little vampire, touching the top of his head. "Bad guys." Taichi said, looking back up at his guardian. "Oh...um the bad guys? Well they um--well...look Taichi I'm not sure." He stuttered out, unsure of the answer to give the poor boy.

"I think its best if we stay away for awhile."

"Stay away...?" Taichi mumbled.

"I just don't think it's safe for us to be out and about anymore." Y/n ruffled Taichi's hair, "Or not y'know. Can...can you just promise me one thing? That you will be careful from now on?" Taichi nodded his head ever so softly.

"Thanks bud. Now let's get home yeah?" Y/n chuckled and stepped a bit closer to the edge of the building. "Grape slushie's?" Taichi mumbled again, following Y/n and grabbing onto his hand.

"Sure, Taichi, we'll get slushie's tomorrow. Heck, maybe even two." Taichi giggled as Y/n picked him up. "Can you say 'wee'?" He said to the boy, readying his legs to jump.



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