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/n kicked a nearby can, awakened abilities, huh. Of course he had no clear idea what these abilities were. All that could be said was Jiwoo currently couldn't be trusted enough. Especially when he has a kid to deal with. Taichi has had enough of his childhood mingled with, no need to push it further.



Y/n was brought out of his thoughts by the annoying ringing of his phone. He slipped his hand into his back pocket, pulling out the clearly damaged IPhone.

He looked at the caller Id, Jiwoo Seo. Why is he calling? Did something bad happen? Y/n answered the call before it could ring any longer.

"Hello? Jiwoo why are you calling me?" He countinued on his way, nearing his home.

"Well I uh. Just wanted to make sure you got home safely." An inaudible grunt was heard on the other line. "Are you okay over there?" Y/n furrowed his brows. He wanted to answer but couldn't, after all he also had his own secrets. Y/n knew that he himself, was dangerous. Any slip up and it could be fatal to those around him.

"Uh- yeah of course...why?" He responded, quietly jumping across buildings, he had to get far away from his home. He could be getting tracked at any moment. "Well Jisuk was being a bit pushy and I just wanted to check on you. You know, make sure you got home safe and all."

"I'm just peachy-- but hey, I gotta go now, I'll see you tomorrow." Before Jiwoo could say another word he ended the call. Those background noises weren't normal, he was home, definitely. However, there were voices in the background, Jiwoo doesn't know to many people so this is quite odd.

They could be anyone as a matter of fact. Y/n has 20/20 vision and practically golden ears. On a phone call, it's harder to pick up information on noises as it is in person. For example, currently Y/n can hear Taichi meowing at Leo. Yes meowing, he can also slightly smell the grape-juice stain that was painted all over his shirt.

With that aside, he was still full of curiosity. Hopping down upon the gravel, Y/n crept silently over to the familiar house of his only friend. He started to pick up new smells, new sounds of voices. Cologne of a man, it smelled expensive.

A man, that's who was in his house. They seemed rich, why would Jiwoo have those type of people in his home? Being even more nosey, he came closer for a better view.

As he neared the window he made sure not to make any noise, he had no clue what these people were capable of. Nor would he like to find out.

"Jiwoo I'm very sorry" The man in a suit stated, lowering his head in Jiwoo's direction. Y/n's face showed pure confusion. Why would he be apologizing? "I didn't know he would cause you any trouble at all."

"I see that friend of yours was with you too."

Y/n listened even closely now. "I understand if you feel betrayed in us that someone from our group picked a fight with you." Our group? Betrayed? Y/n was even more confused now than before. Having no absolute clue what they were spitting out.

"I also heard he told you he was in our group. His name is Jisuk Yoo, the chairwomans brother." This seemed to spark Jiwoo's interest. "The chairwoman.....?" Good, Y/n thought, at least we're almost on the same page here.

The man explained a bit more. Jiyoung Yoo, the chairwoman. Then her brother, Jisuk Yoo. He was trained under the best as an awakened one. Awakened ones again, what the hell are they talking about? "Thank you for calling Y/n, just in case and for telling us, he may have overheard you conversation with Jisuk."

"It was no problem re-----"


Shit! Y/n was so entranced in his own thoughts that he hadn't realized the stick he put all his weight on. It had snapped under the pressure making his presence known.

"Huh? What was that?" Jiwoo lifted himself off of his couch and slowly walked to the large window. He glanced around, looking for anything that could have triggered the noise.

"I'll go check it out, as for you...ready yourself. Jisuk isn't the nicest person out there."

"Thanks Inhyuk."

The front door swung open, and as for Y/n, he watched from a far distance. Inhyuk inspected the perimeter of the home. Not leaving any places un-bothered.

He finally came across the spot Y/n was. Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number before putting the phone up to his ear. The pure blood listened closely at each word the man said.

"Chairwoman? Ah, yes....."

"We seem to have a small problem regarding Jiwoo."


"Yes...I'm afraid someone followed Jiwoo home, they might have overheard a few things that were discussed."

They exchanged a few more words before he shoved his phone back in his pocket, walking away.


"This is bad....like worse than that one time when I swore I almost killed a few kid's." Y/n said out-loud. If this 'Shinwa' group knew about him, then they must have done a background check. Meaning they might know a little more about him that he didn't want to come to light.

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