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"c'mon I'm gonna be late can't you just go inside?" The high schooler stood outside of the orphanage with a small child on his back. "No..I stay."

"Please for me? I swear I'll come right back with.....a slushy!"


"Yes! A slushy just for you! The kids here are really nice and the workers will take great care of you." He brought the youngling down and went to eye level with him, "You have to promise me you won't hurt anyone or let them know okay? Or else no slushy. Got it....?"

".......hmmm you know what? You need a name...." He started glancing around, trying to think of a suitable name. "How about......T...aichi?" The little boy tilted his head to the side, "T-T---ai--chi..." He then nodded his head, seemingly liking his newly found name. "Great! Now let's head inside so I can head to school!" He rushed inside, briefly speaking with the workers and saying one last goodbye to Taichi before exiting to school.

"Ugh....I'm gonna be late at this rate..." He glanced up at a tall building before looking around. After he made sure no one was in sight he lept up, landing on the roof. "If I go......that way!" Y/n spotted his school, just a mile away.

With a small force, he launched to the closest building to his highschool, landing with a large thud. "Ah jeez.....I cracked the roof again.." Climbing back down, he snuck out into his schools front doors.

Opening the door, noise was let out. Good thing he wasn't late...he walked to his own desk before plopping down.

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