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After running in with Subin whilst feeding the cats, Y/n went home for the day. One because he felt like he hadn't seen Taichi in forever, and two because he didn't feel like getting caught in whatever shenanigans the rest of them got into with the fuming girl.

He made it back to the familiar house of his, unlocking the door and stepping inside. "Taichi! I'm home!" Y/n called out to the living room, slipping his shoes off at the front door. The vampire walked further into the house, smiling at the passed-out child on his rug. Quickly picking up the kid, he brought him into the newly-made bedroom.

Y/n shut the bedroom door behind him and made his way to the kitchen with silent steps. He paused to pet Leo, who had been circling his food bowl for a while and filled up the bowl.

Finally getting the chance to lounge on his couch, the pureblood stopped himself from sinking into the white cushions when a chill ran down his back, followed by cold sweat. His heart rate began to pick up as he tried to rack his mind into remembering anything that could have slipped his mind. Frantically looking around like an answer would pop out of nowhere, Y/n's gaze stopped at the black-thorned crown lying still on the bed sheets that he could see from the doorway.

Realization hit him like a bullet with his unnaturally blue eyes flying open. His body was sent into full panic mode, swiftly sliding his wig on and placing the e/c contacts onto the monster-like eyes. Y/n shoved a dark hoodie on, jumping out of the open bedroom window and silently shutting it behind him. From there, he raced off towards the police station.


"What a pain in the neck! It's been weeks now and others still no sign of this guy!" A brown-haired detective exclaimed. He angrily scratched at the back of his neck and stared at the ground in deep thought. The man, along with a woman, followed close behind a taller female into the vampire task force area of the station, a place at the police station that specialized in vampires. Her red hair was pulled back into a ponytail as she silently listened in on the conversation behind her.

"It's still a miracle how lucky we were that all the mixed-bloods were dead when we got there." The brown-haired man added, dropping his hand from his neck and letting out a long sigh.

"I still don't know how he did that. He was gone in a blink of an eye!" The shorter woman added on, stuffing her fiddling hands into her pink hoodie. "We do know the suspect is male though. Do you think we should release the sketch to the public Captian?" She leaned forward to look more directly at the red-haired woman.

She shakes her head, "We can't. None of us got a good look at her face before she escaped. We'll just have to wait and see what happens." She trails off as the memory of that night replays in her head. The redhead's brows furrowed when she remembered the tears that streamed down the teenager's face, she had pitied him at that moment and motioned for him to make an escape.

"-Captian, someone's here to see you." The same brown-haired male stated. She shook herself from her thoughts and focused on the task at hand. The detective turned herself around to see who wanted to see her. Though once she caught sight of the h/c teen that stood behind her, a chill ran down her spine as she recognized him almost immediately.

"AH! YOU CAN'T JUST WALTZ IN HERE LIKE THIS!" She abruptly shouted, disturbing the background noise going on around them whilst also startling everyone, including her own self. "Shit, I said that aloud- I MEAN, this is a police station you know!" The captain continued ranting, ignoring the confused looks from the two other task force workers.

Y/n stood there just as confused as the others, did this woman already know of him? If so, how much did she know? Is that why she let him go at the Red Bomb? The vampire let the questions run through his head whilst letting the redhead in front of him continue with her unnecessary banter.

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