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The fear that enveloped the young's women's face was most definitely not a look to forget. Her bottom lip quivered as tears brimmed her eyes. She had never felt this way before, it was nothing like fear, but beyond that. Under Y/n's gaze she felt so weak, and so helpless.

She barely had time to react when the shoe that used to be next to her head was now hovering over her face. Knowing exactly what was going to happen next, the girl shut her eyes tightly, tears now streaming down her face.


Suddenly, the women's body was left headless.

"I'm done playing these stupid games. Where is Taichi?"

"You really don't know anything do you?" The voice of The Bloodhound ringed in Y/n's ears. The only thing he needed to know was where the child he cared so much for was. He didn't have time for any of this.

". . .if the person who's in charge doesn't come forward. . ." Y/n said, pausing for a second, "I'm going to kill each and every one of you." His order didn't seem to phase any of the vampires standing around him as they brimmed with confidence. "Hey now buddy, what's the rush?" The Bloodhound spoke once again, a sinister smile adoring his face.

"The real fight starts now."

The moment those words left his mouth the plethora of vampires launched themselves at
Y/n. Quickly fighting them off, Y/n easily surpassed them, screaming at them in anger.


"H-how. . .?"

Y/n stood in the center of the chaos, The Bloodhound staring at him in shock. About 50 to 60 vampires killed and he still wasn't tired yet? There was alot left and he didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. But something felt off the The Bloodhound, something that sent chills down his spin.

It was the sound of Y/n's beating heart.

It seemed to be getting louder by the second, sounding as if it were going to explode out of his chest. Yet he still fought, that was until slow clapping was heard.




"A-ah b-boss. . ."

"When will you losers stop embarrassing me?"

A man, blue hair slicked back on top of his head, wearing a blood red suit stepped out.


"So we meet at last, pureblood" He said, slowly stepping forward. "So how did you find your appetizers? We're they to your taste?" Y/n clenched his fists harder than before, "Where's Taichi." He spoke coldly. "Here, a drink, it's on the house. Take your pick."

"A 19-year-old high school student, a 21-year-old feme art student. Ah, or do you prefer them a little older? Here's a 45-year-old male doctor." Lucian listed, going through different bottles filled with blood. "Were you the one who took Taichi?" Y/n repeated, not answering any of his questions.

"Don't you want a drink? Your a pureblood, don't tell me you starve yourself everyday."

Y/n clenched his fists even harder, looking up at him with a glare that sent chills down Lucian's spine, "Shut up and answer me. Where is Taichi?"

Y/n whatched as Lucian gulped, a grin spreading across his face. "I went over to visit but it just so happened that you weren't home. That little boy was though. So I took him of course." The more he spoke, the more angered Y/n became of him. "I mean I didn't have any other choice, he attacked me so I responded in kind."

"There was no reason to take him so leave him out of this!" Y/n shouted, gritting his teeth. "And why should I do that?" Lucian spoke. "If you don't it'll be more painful."

"For who? For me? Or you?"

Y/n stayed quiet, only the cracking of his hand sounding from him. Lucian responded the same way, readying himself to attack the pureblood.


In a blink of an eye The Bloodhounds arm and torso exploded, healing I'm seconds leaving him in a daze of confusion.

"What the fu--"

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