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The recognizable sound of the aged front entrance opened, two sets of shoes trailing behind, falling onto the hard-wood floor.

Y/n and Taichi had returned home, not without the worn box. The cardboard item was placed onto the ground, a few faint meows fled from the small air openings left from who knows what.

Taichi's little hand reached down, shivering. Of course, he was frightened, the only feline he's ever caught a glimpse of was Leo. Before his petite hand had brushed against the box, a small raven-colored head popped out. Turquoise orbs shinning into rosy ones. Then, sparing a glimpse to Y/n's E/c eyes.

Y/n peered at it, fascinated. It appeared as if it was evaluating each of them before slithering back into the box. A few occasional mews were cried, almost as if they were talking over something before three kitten heads jumped up.

Taichi shrieked, unable to handle himself. He rapidly scampered behind the sofa. "Gosh Taichi." He slowly grasped him from behind the couch. "Look...it's okay. Their just like Leo. See?" He reached out a hand as the kittens rubbed against it, purring.

Taichi wore a determined look as he too reached out his hand only to be met with a small, soft head rubbing against him. He froze in place, unable to comprehend what was going on. "That's it. Now why don't you...." He patted a kitten on its head, "Work with these little guys while I make us some dinner." Taichi gave a small nod in return as Y/n walked towards the kitchen.


Y/n slugged inside of the classroom, tired as usual. He stayed up all night tending to the kittens while Taichi was fast alseep. The classroom was noisy as usual as he walked to him desk, plopping down onto the cold surface.

He looked up in the nick of time to see Jiwoo also struggling to keep his eyes open. "Bad night?" Y/n asked, kind of concerned for the lack of sleep Jiwoo seemed to get. He was not any better in any way whatsoever. "Yeah...I just couldn't sleep. What about you? You look tired." Y/n turned to face him, "Taic-- I...found a box of kitten's. I had to take care of them all night."

"Kittens!? Really? How many?" Jiwoo said, practically jumping out of his seat. Y/n started to sweat a little due to his enthusiasm, "Three. Their all healthy too!" He brought his phone out to show a picture of the three felines. Jiwoo snatched his phone and stared at the picture. "Their so adorable!!" His cheeks grew a red glow. Y/n laughed, "Aren't they? I found them while walking home."

"What are their names?!" Jiwoo leaned over his desk in anticipation, "Their names..?" Y/n's face dropped. Of course, names. He forgot to name them! How could he forget. I mean Taichi is just a kid, he did make a few suggestions such as, Sprinkles and Bob. All childish names that wouldn't sound nice as a cat's name.

"Yes name's! You named them right?"

Y/n scratched the nape of his neck, "I-I was so busy and everything last night y'know? It just flew over my head. What do you think I should name 'em?"

Jiwoo pondered for a moment, names weren't his best asset, especially with past events. "What about....yeah, I got nothing." Y/n sighed before turning back around to face the teacher who had just rushed into the classroom door. Names...I can't think of anything. I've got Billy, Bob, and Joe. No... they are all stupid names. I should get Taichi to whip some up.

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