Josh? Vinnie?

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So Josh and I have been really close since Nick and I broke up. People have been shipping him and I and me and Vinnie. Josh and I flirt all the time just to get reactions from our fans. The flirting and acting like a couple feels to real though... It's kinda scary. I like having him around and everything but it's also like what if something happens between us and I loose my best friend.

Today I'm going to Hype to hang with Vinnie. After finding out the truth we decided we didn't have enough proof against Amara to do anything and Vinnie wanted to forget it happened so that's what we did.
I got to Hype and walked in. Thomas gave me a key lol.

Y/n-"Honey I'm home" I yelled as soon as I walked through the door

Kouver-"Hey Y/n" she says walking out from the kitchen

Y/n-"Hi Kouver!"I say hugging her. I absolutely love her she is always checking up on me and making sure I'm okay.

Mia-"Did I hear a Y/n come through the door"
Mia comes downstairs

Y/n-"Mia!!" I hug her as well

Kouver-"We need to do a girls day with Addison and Avani soon"

Y/n-"Yes we definitely do!"

Thomas-"Hey look everyone there is Y/n" he points the camera at me

Y/n-"Hi Thomas'  vlog!! I love you" I blow a kiss at the camera. I stay talking to them for 5 minutes and then head up to Vinnie's room

I didn't knock cause I just didn't. I walked into his room and he was streaming.
I walked up behind him and said hi.

Y/n-"Hi Vinnie's stream" I waved at the camera. I read a few comments. Most being about me and Vinnie.

Vinnie-"When did you get here?" He looks at me and then back at his game

Y/n-"Uh like 10 minutes ago. I was with Kouver, Mia, and Thomas" I say walking over and sitting on his bed

Vinnie-"Oh okay. I'll get off after this game and we can go do stuff"

Y/n-"Alrighty" I lay back on his bed and scroll through socials

About 10 minutes later Vinnie turns off his computer and says bye to his stream. He cleans up his desk area then turns around in his chair facing me.

Vinnie-"So what do you wanna do today?"

Y/n-"You wanna go eat? It lunch time and I haven't eaten today"

Vinnie-"Yea sure let's go"

Vinnie and I go to a little cafe 20 minutes away. There was no pap there which is nice. We ate and just talked about random things. Out of no where an idea pops into my head.

Y/n-"I kinda want to get a dog"

Vinnie-"You wanna get a dog?"

Y/n-"Yea. I could be a dog mom"

Vinnie-"I mean we can go look at dogs once we aee finished here"

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