Chapter Three

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
I ran my had through my beard for maybe the millionth time in the last ten minutes as I paced the room. I was supposed to give another talk tonight at the masjid but my mind was distracted. Just then Ilham walked in and sat on my bed, "Yusuf what's wrong Habibi?" She asked, her voice full on concern. I contemplated whether I should tell her or not. She was elder than me by a minute, yes we were twins, and although we weren't identical, we were so in sync it was almost scary. She was my best friend, my sister, my role model, my first love, my protector, my supporter and my rock. I guess you could say I am a pretty sentimental and affectionate person. We told each other everything and we had each other's back no matter what. So what was stopping me from telling her? I had no idea. She was already married and her husband, Tawfeeq, treated her like a queen, which he better otherwise I would have ........ Yeah let's leave that to your imagination. Plus, they were currently expecting their first child meaning that she definitely had a lot more experience than me in that field. "Yusuf!"
"Huh? What? I mean...yes?"
"Habibi you zoned out there"
"Uh, yeah sorry. What was it you were telling me?"
"I was asking you what's wrong? You seem so distant today. You know you can tell me anything Habibi"
"Ilham...look I trust you with my heart and soul but no offence, you have a big mouth when your happy. So I need you to promise you will NOT breathe a word of this to anyone, ok? Especially mama and baba. Promise?"
"Wow thanks little brother."
"Okay okay, I promise. Why do I have the feeling that this is serious?"
"Do you remember that girl you were standing with yesterday?"
"Which one, there were two?"
"Really, there were two??"
"Oh my God! Yusuf only has eyes for one girl that he didn't even see the other. There was one in pink and one in blue. Which one?"
" be honest I don't know. I was trying to lower my gaze. The one that complemented me."
" mean Ihsan"
"Ihsan" I said rolling her name in my mouth
"Somebody's in love!"
"I'm not in love!"
"I don't know Ilham. I just felt a connection. You know what I mean? Did you feel that with Tawfeeq?"
Her eyes glazed over at the mention of her husband. They were still totally in love.
"Kind of like its a sign from Allah (swt) and you just this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, working to achieve jannah. If it's that feeling then yes, definitely"
"That's exactly what I mean. I just felt like, it's so hard to describe. Like she was the one."
"OH MY GOD YUSUF!!!!! I'm gonna start planning the wedding. We'll have matching outfits. Ukh, but I'll look soo big with this baby! So you better do it soon. And we'll book the masjid. And the catering and I'll have the perfect..."
"ILHAM! Stop! You're getting a little too carried away there sis. Besides, I don't even know if she'll accept"
"Are you kidding me bro? Who wouldn't accept you. Mashallah Habibi you're studying to be a sheikh as well as studying to be a teacher. You have a steady job with baba at the publishing company and you have beautiful character. Which girl wouldn't accept?"
I began to blush at her compliments. I couldn't bear anyone complimenting me. I didn't want it to affect my intentions, I wanted to stay humble.
"Jazakallahukheiran Habibti. But please stop. It's all just a reflection of yourself. So what should I do?"
"Wa iyakum. Well I think the best thing to do would be pray Isrikharah (prayer asking for guidance) and if the answer is positive, speak to baba"
"You're right. Hamdilah for you in my life! I love you Habibti. Jazakallahukheiran" I said and I picked her up while hugging her.
"Put me down Yusuf!!!! The baby!" Sh said, laughing.
"Oops. Sorry." I replied sheepishly.
"Yallah, finish up your notes for tonight and I'll call you for Iftaar(meal when breaking the fast) when the food is ready inshallah"
"Okay Habibi." I said as she left.

I sat down my desk chair and began to think about what my sister had said. Was she right? Did I actually have a chance. I had been saving up for an apartment for marriage for a while now and Hamdilah I had enough and even extra for furniture and what not. I was set to finish my teaching degree in two months inshallah and had already received multiple job offers from local Islamic schools and was on my way to become a sheikh inshallah. I was 21 and I felt that I was at a right age. Now it's just up to Allah (swt). Ilham is right. I'm just going to pray Istikhara and hope for the best. Now back to my notes for tonight...

"Yusufffffffffff!" My mother called "Iftar is readyyyyy" I was pulled out of my thoughts to the mouth watering smell of my mums cooking. Man my mum can cook! I came down the stairs to find my mother, Amatullah, my father, Rashid, my brother-in-law, Tawfeeq, my sister, Ilham, and my little brother, Zaynul Abedeen all sitting around the table. I just wished my younger sister, Sarah, was here but she was still at umrah with my uncle. I love Ramadan and seeing my family all gathered reminded me of the mercy that Allah (swt) has bestowed in my life. "Yallah Habibi" my mum said "sit down. The athan (call to prayer) is about to go and I made your favourite food." I sat down just in time for the Mu'athin (caller to prayer) say "Allahuakbar allahuakbar" and a collective set of murmuring could be heard as we said the dua (prayer) to break our fast. Zaynul Abedeen on the other hand was busy stuffing his little 4 year old face with as many dates as he could. "Zayn!" I exclaimed laughing. "What?" He replied but it sounded more like "whaftsjdh?" And we all laughed.

After Iftaar, I packed the table as the sunnah (teachings and lifestyle of the prophet (saw)) told me to and soon we all in the car on our way to the masjid. My dad was talking to my mum about something that was making her smile. Probably something cheesy, my parents were still madly in love and that was something I hoped to have at their age inshallah. What?! I inherited my cheesiness from my dad. Ilham and Tawfeeq were playing a game of thumb war, him horribly cheating. Zaynul Abedeen was staring out the window, trying to count the air, don't even ask. And I was sitting there, mentally reviewing my notes. Suddenly Ilham turned to me asking, "What's the topic today Habibi?" "Uh, Sheikh Umar asked me to talk about marriage in Islam and Khaija (ra) and Prophet Muhammad's (saw) love story." I replied, mentally thanking Allah (swt) that it was dark an she couldn't see my blush. She looked at me dead in the eye before she fell in hysterics. Ya Allah! This was going to be a long night...

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