Chapter Twenty Seven

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet, make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely safiyasaidka for her comments that just make my day. Mashallah she has a beautiful soul that radiates warmth. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Yusufs POV
The next day I returned to the hospital, finding both Ihsan and my families there, each attending their loved ones.

I was seated outside Ilham's room when I heard a voice say, "Yusuf can I speak to you please." Which I discovered to be Amo Abdullah, his voice dripping with authority. I nodded and we stepped outside to a nearby cafe.

After being seated and served, he turned to me and said, "Listen Yusuf. I trusted you. I gave you the most precious thing I have. And unfortunately you broke that trust."
I tried to intervene but he cut me off and continued, "I know it wasn't in your hands but none the less my daughter suffered so much because of you. She was hospitalised! And yes I know why. However in saying that, I must admit that what you did yesterday was very courageous. Something not many can claim to have done. And I thank you for that dearly. And although maybe not just yet but one day you may ask for her again." He concluded and I was stunned. "Really?!" I gushed. "I said maybe" he laughed and I realised that our relationship had been restored.

The rest of the hour was spent in deep conversation about all sorts of things and for the first time in a very long time, I felt something again. Hope...

Ihsans POV
I was in bed listening to a lecture titled 'الله worthy of worship' by Abdul Nasir Jangda and Yasir Qadhir on the YouTube channel The Merciful Servant that had literally brought me to tears. Ya Allah truly I fail to worship you as you deserve to worship you. Ya Allah I sin by night and by day and no one knows but you, yet you don't expose me. Ya Allah I am neglectful and you still extend your mercy towards me. Ya Allah grant the Muslim ummah and the whole world jannah al firdous. Ya Allah I ask for the acceptance of Ramadan, my deeds, my repentance and that of the world. Ya Allah but most importantly of all, I ask that you are pleased with me. Ya Allah... But I was interrupted by a knock and a voice saying, "Can I come in?"
"Yeah sure" I said once I ensured I was all covered, which wasn't necessary though because it turned out to be Ilham.

"So I heard you were jealous because I was in the hospital so you decided to hurt yourself and join me huh?" She winked.
"Oh yup! Totally jealous!! How did you know Ilham?! Please don't tell anyone."
"Hmm...I'll think about it." She then took a deep breathe and continued, "Listen Ihsan I came here to tell you something serious. I love you heaps and you've been like a sister to me and I also love Yusuf heaps and he's more than a brother to me but I can't stand seeing him like this, nor you for that fact. Ihsan you have to fix this and let me tell you it straight, your being a bit too harsh on him. Girl he gave you his blood to save your life! Isn't that enough to show you that he cares about you. He would die for you Ihsan! Trust me, I'm his sister, I know these things. And he didn't want to break it off but what do you expect? How could he give up his studies when he has come so far? Think about the bigger picture here Habibti, he could potentially help so many people. He won't put you before Allah (swt). I-"
"Wait...what? His studies???" I said, my moth agape.
"You don't know? I thought he told Amo Abdullah"
"Oh...that..." I said sheepishly
"Ihsan what happened..?" She demanded.
"Well...I uh was kind of a little too angry and so I uh might have sort of refused to hear his explanation...?" I trailed.
"Are you kidding me Ihsan?!" She vented "All this time, after everything and you couldn't even listen to what he had to say. How could you be so...selfish?! When he told Sheikh Umar about your marriage sheikh got really angry and made him chose between his studies or you. Do you know what he's been through for you?? He hasn't slept in days Ihsan!! He lives off coffee!! He doesn't go out, doesn't talk and I can't remember the last time I saw him smile! How h-how could you??"

I suddenly felt very ashamed, very ashamed indeed at my immaturity. I was blinded my rage and egocentricity but now that I understood I was so guilty. I had no words but simply burst into tears. My heart sobbed at the injustice I had caused towards someone so innocent and beautiful. Ilham seemed to have realised the harshness of her words because she came over and comforted me, siting next to me in the hospital bed.

Ya Allah I hope he can forgive me...

Yusufs POV
"I'm going to miss you Fufiiie!!" Sara screamed across the airport as she boarded her plane. Her holiday had been cut really short after claiming that "she didn't really fit in here anymore babe" but that was just fine with me. And as I saw her off and drove back to the hospital I had a good feeling that things were going to change for the better. Inshallah...

Ihsans POV
Another knock interrupted my dinner meal and mama went to go get it while I continued my food. Luckily mama had literally smuggled me some food and although the hospital food was okay Hamdilah, there was nothin like mamas cooking.

However the person who entered the door almost made me choke on the food that was in my mouth. "Asalamualaykum Ihsan" he began.

"Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu Sheikh Umar" I replied...

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