Chapter Eleven

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This chapter is dedicated to the amazing @WiseLemon which is very overdue. I thank her for her dedication, threats for not updating and consistent support and love. May Allah (swt) bless her and grant my twin jannah al firdous :)

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
By the little hand of a boy no older than three. His parents began calling him over but I replied saying that I wanted to hear what he had to say. He had his cheeks puffed and his chest sticking out as he said, "I don't like you. You take Iyaan away! Go away!" It was so tempting to laugh Ya Allah! He was adorable but I wanted to earn the respect of this little man who seemed so protective of his sister Mashallah. "You don't want me to take her away right?"
"Yes!" He demanded.
"Okay I'll do you a deal. You let me take her away and I'll let you see her any time you want. Sound good?"
"And you buy me bucks?"
"Bucks?" I questioned.
"Bucks!!! Go broom broom!"
Wow Mashallah, bargaining already? This kid was good Mashallah.
"Of course I'll buy you bucks, I mean, trucks"
"Yaaayyy!" He squealed and with that we became best friends.

Then, I was able to talk to Ihsan, who has disappeared? She returned a short while later with oddly, a clock. My palms grew clammy as I contemplated what to say. I ended up settling with 'Asalamualaykum' to which she replied 'Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu.' My mind suddenly went blank and I started racking my brains for something coherent to say when I was saved by her instigation of the conversation, "What time is it?"

Ihsan's POV
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Um, it's 8:02"
"So do you have any questions for me or would you like me to start first..?" He trailed.
I didn't answer and I felt slack for the poor guy, but I really wanted to see how he would react. Aside from baba who had lasted the whole duration, no one had been able to handle this endeavour. He must of taken that as an indication that I was shy because he said, "If you're embarrassed it's fine. I'll just go away if you want me to" Noo!! I mentally screamed but managed to maintain my composure. A few seconds later I asked, "What time is it?"
"It's 8:03" he said, but it came out more like a question.
"Okay" I replied.
He tried instigating conversation once again but my lips were sealed.

Yusuf's POV
I was mentally going crazy, trying to recall what I had done wrong. Was I too upfront? Was she embarrassed? Was she trying to tell me that she's not interested? I tried once again, "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did."
But there came no reply.
Okay, this was definitely not going according to plan.
"What time is it?" She asked again. It seemed to be the only question she asked. Was she really that eager for this to be over and done with?
"It's 8:04" I replied.
Why does she keep asking the time? I wondered. Then, I had a light bulb moment. And my respect for the woman in front of me soared to inexplicable levels. Mashallah Tabarakallah! I had chosen an angel! Alhamdulilah Ya Rab! (Thank you my lord). A comfortable silence blanketed the two of us and I waited for her next question which came a moment later, "What time is it?"
"It's 8:05"
I then made it my mission to try and falter her unwavering composure. I tried wiggling my eyebrows, pulling ridiculous faces and even cracking jokes but she was made of steel. Mashallah I admired that! This woman was ticking all the right boxes so far Alhamdulilah

Ihsan's POV
I was trying SOO hard not to laugh as he attempted to lick his nose with his tongue. Keep it cool Ihsan! I sensed that he had figured it out and was now exhorting all efforts in breaking my calm self control. "What's the time?" I asked for what seemed like the umpteenth time.
"8:57" he replied cooly. I was surprised he hasn't lost it yet at me. Why if someone did that to me, I would have lost it by now. To be truly honest I didn't expect him to last this long but Hamdilah he didn't seem to be fazed. Alhamdulilah it seemed like his character matched his reputation and so far he was actually someone I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. Alhamdulilah.

Yusuf's POV
Someone I know would stand by me and someone whom I would try my best to support, love and care for. Subhanallah although we hadn't really spoken about Islam I could feel the Noor of Iman (light of faith/belief) emanating from her. From the way she shy lowered her gaze to her mummer of dua (invocation) before we ate, and yes I noticed. It was the little things like this which made me feel at ease. Subhanallah I no longer felt nervous, I mean sure there was the palpitating heart and sweaty palms but at the same time I felt comfortable in her presence. Like I could just be my self and she would accept me for that. I was truly overjoyed Alhamdulilah.

Ihsan's POV
Time was up and I asked one final time, "What time is it?" To which he replied "9:02." His gaze shifted to mine and a moment of pure, inexplicable serenity came over me. I felt like I had found home. Alhamdulilah that was over and he has passed with flying to colours to say the least. Um...what now? It was getting kind of late and to be honest I wanted to end it at this, leaving an unexpected impression. Sensing my discomfort he asked hesitantly, "So I'll be seeing you...?" I chucked at his flushed cheeks and replied, "Soon inshallah"
"Well then I'll be looking forward to it" And my face burned in shyness to which he merely smiled sweetly.

We were saved by Amo Rashid who called out to Yusuf, "Yallah Yusuf Habibi. Let's go." He then thanked baba and we made our way to the front door. I felt bad for neglecting Ilham the whole time but she assured me that I will be making it up to her later.

Much to my delight Yusuf picked up Muhammad, twirled him around and gave him Salams, shaking his hand. My brother looked giddy at the prospect of someone treating him like one of the "men." Ukh, boys! Speaking of which, I would have to have a word with that little man after that stunt he pulled. Which was absolutely adorable but that didn't mean he wouldn't be getting it. And Yusuf's reaction! Ya Allah!! Can I just say that when a guy is good with kids it just makes him like a million times more attractive. In a halal way of course.

After they had left and we were cleaning up, mama turned to me and questioned, "So what did you think? Did he pass?" To which I shyly replied, "I think he's a keeper."

Yusuf's POV
Alhamdulilah I wasn't driving because I was distracted the whole way back, by a certain someone of course. She definitely wasn't what I expected, but in a good way. It was refreshing, to say the least. Alhamdulilah Ya Rab! Please bless this matrimony and allow it to begin in this life and end in the next.

I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't hear Ilham calling my name till she started clicking her fingers in my face. "Someone on your mind, I see?" She mocked. I couldn't help but feel my ears tinge red. "Caught red handed little brother!" She laughed. "By one minute Ilham!" I reminded. "Minute shminute! I'm still older" she said
"Whatever you say Habibti."
"Okay, so the big question is...what did you think of her? Am I going to get a sister in law?"
"I think she's the one Ilham Hamdilah" I replied.

I really do...

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