Chapter Six

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
My heart did the most peculiar things after receiving that message. The night sky never looked so beautiful. Nor had the moon been so bright. I had decided to tell baba the next night inshallah. Ya Allah! Time couldn't go any slower.

Ihsan's POV
My stomach had been filled with butterflies, actually scrap that, dinosaurs all day after that interesting ordeal at the mosque last night. What did Ilham mean by 'she knew someone who matched that criteria perfectly?' After our little game, she was just normal and I wondered if there were any double motives behind the little question game. But she seemed so sincere that I couldn't help but fall in love with her. She'd definitely be an awesome sister in law. Inshallah.

Baba had invited Amo Rashid over today, apparently some long lost school friend, and Amo Uthman, Fatima's dad, for Iftar with their families. I had no idea who Amo Rashid was but at least Fatima would be there to keep me company. Mum and I had decided to go halvies for the food tonight. I was in charge of entre and dessert and she was doing main. For entre I was just going to make rice paper rolls and dessert, my favourite, was going to be baked ricotta cheesecake inshallah. And let me tell you, that is to DIE for, so our guests were in for a treat.

Just then Muhammad walked in, ""Salamualaykum Ihsan!" He screamed. "Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuwabarakatuhu Habibi. How was the park with mama?" I replied. "It was awesome! I learnt how to swiiddee on the swings. And we had ice cream!"
"Ice cream? I thought you were fasting?!"
"Yeah but how come mama had ice cream?"
Oh God. How was I supposed to explain 'that time of the month' to a 3 year old.
"'s because she is special" I replied hesitantly.
"But I'm special too!!" He pouted.
"Yes you are Muhammad. wants to help me make a cake?" I said quickly changing the subject. "Meeee! But can I lick the bowl?" He said with puppy dog eyes. How could I resist? "Of course Habibi" I said. He ran down the corridor screaming "YYYAAAAYYYY. I get to lick the boooowwwwllll!" That boy was going to be the death of me.

Yusuf's POV
Ilham had given me '411' as she liked to say on what had happened with Ihsan last night an to say I was happy was an understatement. I almost skipped to Baba's office as I knocked on the door.

"Come in" came the reply. I walked in, "Salamualaykum baba"
"Walaykumasalam Habibi. How's the studies going?"
"Good Hamdilah."
"Habibi do you wanna sit down or are you going to stay standing with your hands behind your back?"
"Oh yeah" I said sheepishly as I sat down
"So tell me...who is she?"
"Who is who?" I asked feigning innocence. How on earth did he know?!
"Yusuf I've known you for 20 years. You think I don't know when my son is interested in someone?"
"Wow that's kind of creepy. Um...Her names Ihsan. She's a pious muslim who fears Allah (swt), has an amazing character Mashallah. Very modest and just beautiful, on the inside I mean. I've done istikhara and I think she's the one baba. I can feel it."
"And you know all this information how?" He asked, eyebrow raised.
"Ilham?" I replied blushing slightly.
He chuckled and said, "Of course Ilham. You two may be twins by sometimes I think you share the same brain. I'm proud of you Habibi. Jazakallahukheiran for come an speaking to me. Marriage comes with responsibility and I know you know that. So if you're serious about this we'll get Ilham to get her fathers number and I'll speak to him."
"Baba I haven't more serious about anything else in my life" I replied, seriously.
"Okay then. Let Ilham know and we'll take it from there inshallah."
I rushed to him hugging him "Jazakallahukheiran baba!"
"Waiyakkum Habibi."
"Walaykum asalam"

And with that I left his office. I looked at my watch. 1 hour till Ilham was set to come over. I quickly texted her 'Salams Habibti. I've got good news...'

Ihsan's POV
It turns out that the dinosaurs in my stomach weren't just nerves, let's just say I wouldn't be going to the masjid tonight. Yay me. Not!

Considering the fact that we didn't know these people, well half of them anyway, I had decided to step it up a notch and I was wearing a beige long sleeve dress with pink lace on top and a gold scarf. Simple yet elegant.

Just then, I saw my dads reflection through the mirror standing at my door. "What do you think?" I asked twirling. "It's not nice. But because you're wearing it, it's beautiful" I blushed and kissed him on the cheek. I loved my daddy to bits. He walked in and sat on my bed, oh no. What did I do? I began thinking back to all the bad things I had done that week
"Don't worry you haven't done anything wrong" he said, reading my thoughts. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I just want to talk to you about something now that you're older. Habibti you're 18 now and Mashallah I'm very proud to call you my daughter. But the thing with daughters is that they aren't yours to keep. Someday they will have to leave. And although I wish I could keep you with me forever, I can't. All I can do is get you ready by teaching you fear and love of Allah (swt) and to be a good muslim. That is the recipe to success in life."
"Oh Baba!" I said hugging him with tears in my eyes.
"My big little girl. Do you remember when you were young and you never wanted to leave me so you tried to sticky tape us together?"
"With like 3cm of tape. Yes I remember" I said through tears.
"Okay Habibti. Yallah wipe your tears. They'll be here soon." He said leaving "Oh and by the way, can't wait for that baked ricotta cheesecake"

I wiped my tears, took one last look in the mirror. Applied lip balm. Yes I didn't believe in make up. I am against the idea that you need artificial cosmetics to make you beautiful. Allah (swt) created us all beautiful in our ways and we should accept that.

Suddenly, I heard the door bell ring and baba called that he would get it. As I walked down stairs with Muhammad I came face to face with Fatima and Ilham? What was she doing here. Unless...Amo Rashid was Ilham's dad?! That's who baba's school friend was?? Meaning he was Yusuf's dad?! Meaning he was going to have Iftaar at my house tonight?! Ya Allah!!!

Yusuf's POV
I walked into Amo Abdullah's house and the smell of food was mouth watering. What can I say? I'm a guy. After saying Salams and walking in I saw a figure walking down the stairs. I looked up to see...Ihsan?? My jaw dropped. This was going to be an interesting night...

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