Chapter Twenty Six

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet, make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

This story is dedicated to the gorgeous nads123. Subhanallah I feel like our souls have met before because I just feel an undeniable connection towards her. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
I raced towards her, my heart beating like a drum. Nurses surrounded her checking for pulse and pulling out a stretcher. All restrictions aside (Islamically this is allowed in such a situation) I picked her up and placed her frail and blood stained body on the stretcher. She stirred and blinked twice, trying to figure out what's going on. "It's going to be okay Ihsan" I reassured and reached my hand out to hold hers but pulled it back just in time, keeping myself in check. Keep it together Yusuf!

She was rushed into some operating room where I followed only to meet with jarring white clinical doors. When I tried opening them, I was met with a stern nurse informing me that I had to wait outside.

I tried to protest but he was adamant and so I slumped into a nearby chair, praying for the best. Ya Allah please keep her safe. I then texted Amo Abdullah and Khalto Ruqayah, leaving out Ilham so as not to worry her. I checked up on her regularly ensuring she had everything she needed. Ihsans family soon arrived and we all sat anxiously waiting.

I don't know how long I sat like that but what seemed like a millennium later a nurse emerged asking for the relatives of the patient. I had to stay back while her family had the privilege of knowing of her condition. However, their faces fell from joy to sadness and my anxiety peaked.

"What happened?" I spoke frantically. Amo Abdullah merely threw me a death glare while Khalto Ruqayah replied, "She needs a blood transfusion but unfortunately the hospital doesn't have enough to supply her. Waiting for a donation might take days. In that time...I'm afraid...w-we c-could l-l-lose her" she ended sobbing into the arms of Amo Abdullah. My mind raced pulse quickened at this tragic reality. Ya Allah!

But then I had a thought, "Khalto Ruqayah, what's her blood type?" I piped.
"She's AB positive and unfortunately Abdullah is B negative and I'm A negative. So neither one of us is able to donate."
"I'm O positive. I would like to donate. Please"
"Oh we couldn't possible accept Yusuf. Jazakallahukheiran though"
"No, I want to. Honestly. Please." I practically begged.

She looked at her husband with questioning eyes, his response was unreadable but I guess she understood because she turned to me and said, "That would mean the world to us Yusuf." I only hoped one day I would be able I have a marriage like that.

The next few hours were a series of tests, but after finally given clearance, I was able to give my blood to my beloved. The average donation is about half a litre but due to the severity of the situation I was able to donate 1 litre of my blood.

I had given her one fifth of my total blood amount but Ya Allah it was so worth it...

Ihsans POV
I opened my heavy eyes to blaring white walls. Where was I? I thought as I tried to recall the last memories I had. I remember getting a phone call from Ilham, the baby, the baby?! Was she ok?? But then I remembered the following events and my mood shifted from anxiety to jealousy and rage. That blonde bimbo who had been sitting in Yusufs lap. That was the true dagger to my heart. No scratch that, that was a knife plunged into my heart, twisted then taken out and repeated. I would end her if I ever saw we again. But really? Her? Out of all people? I didn't think Yusuf could be so...shallow....

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling out, "She's awake!" And then my family came into view, showering me with kisses and hugs. The one thing that I couldn't seem to piece together was how I ended up in a hospital bed so I asked, "How did I get here?" To which I was met with nervous glances. It was like there was a big pink elephant in the room that no one was acknowledging. So I repeated the question, "how did I get here?"

Seconds passed but then baba answered, "Habibti from what we've pieced together you were running, tripped and hit your head on a fire extinguisher causing a fracture in your skull. You had to have surgery but Hamdilah your brain wasn't affected, you just lost a lot of blood. So they stitched you back up, gave you a blood transfusion and here you are. "

My head spun at all this new information but soon recovered and after a few hours everyone left, leaving me with my thoughts. Or so I thought until an all to familiar face popped in, "Just lil old me!" The blonde squeaked.
"What do you want?" I growled.
"Calm down there tiger. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And gal, let me tell you I'm not impressed. Yusuf is out there moping like a sad puppy because of you when he can do soo much better. Girl, who do you think you are? And to think my brother donated a litre of blood to you. Pfftt! You don't deserve the tips of my nails!" She ranted. But my mind picked up on two things, brother? A litre of blood? Oh my...what have I done. That didn't mean though this girl didn't need to be taught a lesson.

"Come here. I want to tell you something" I said, struggling to keep a straight face. She came closer, "A little further, it's a secret" I enticed. "Oh I just love secrets!" She gushed. Then, when she was close enough I did something I had been so badly wanting to do. I slapped her face so hard the sound reverberated around the room. She merely pulled back in shock, clutching her makeup infested face and screamed.

And wow was that loud, so loud in fact that a nurse and Yusuf rushed in. "What happened?" They both asked simultaneously. "That-that that $&@#% just slapped me!" She screeched, the nurse just rolled her eyes and left while Yusuf tried to smuggle back a laugh. "It's, it's, it's not funny!!!" She fumed leaving the room. Finally. Peace and quiet.

Yusuf lingered a while, fighting an internal battle of whether to stay or attend his sister. "Just go" I whispered and after giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes, he left.

Well...that definitely changed things...

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