Chapter Twenty Eight

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet, make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

First and foremost, Eid Mubarak! May Allah (swt) shower his blessings and mercy upon you and your family. And may He (swt) unite us in janantul firdous.

I do apologise for the wait but Subhanallah time flies sometimes. I did manage to control myself from opening wattpad too often but Subhanallah I only opened it up once in Ramadan and today and my notifications totalled in the thousand. So Jazakallahukheiran for all your support and love, unfortunately dedicating a chapter to each user would take an encyclopaedia but this chapter is dedicated to you! Whether you be reading at home, at work, at school, in the train, car, plane (that would be cool), west, east, this chapter is for you! Jazakallahukheiran

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Ihsan's POV
"You seem surprised to see me and I can understand why but I'd like to give you a sort of...explanation if that's okay with you, your mother and father. " he began. Baba, who had been silent this whole time spoke, "With all due respect Sheikh but I don't think my daughter is in the best shape for an explanation right now" he then turned to me, "It's up to you baba."

I searched his eyes for permission, which I found beneath a thick layer of protection and love for his only remaining child. Mama also nodded her head and so I said, "Have a seat sheikh. I would like to hear what you have to say p-please." He started with his "explanation" and ya Allah! What an explanation it was...

"So you see Ihsan I have known Yusuf since he was a baby. In fact, his father and I went to school together. So we were very close as families.  Now unfortunately my wife and I were never able to have children of our own, Alhamdulilah this is the Qadr (decree) of Allah (swt). So you can imagine my joy when Rashid said he wanted me to teach and train his son to become a sheikh. I treated him like my own, I put my blood, sweat and tears into teaching that child. Getting him to learn tajweed at 5, memorise the Quran by 15, having him memorise the seerah (life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)), Hadith, the Sahaba's life, the shariah and how it applies to society, all of it, you name it and I had taught it to that kid. And Mashallah what a student he was! Very bright, amazing memory but above all, he had a passion, a talent, a gift from Allah (swt) and Rashid knew this, so he had entrusted me with this gift. As Yusuf grew, so did my love for him, beyond the love of a teacher but almost like the love of a father. He was unlike other children; focused, respectful and always mature for his age Mashallah. When he decided to become a sheikh at 17 it was dua come true and so we embarked together on this sacred journey. Now you see Ihsan, Yusuf was always attentive and switched but that all changed a few months ago, which I'm assuming is when he met you. I noticed this change and even brought it up once or twice but he denied there being anything wrong. He then surprised me with his marriage, t-to you. I lost it at him. It was like watching all my hard work and years go down the drain. I had such big plans for him. He was going to be a sheikh whom I had taught for the sake of Allah (swt). But marriage would deprive me of that opportunity. I have been married for many years and I know the responsibilities that comes with it, especially in the first few years. Yusuf began to scream at me and that's when I got scared. Scared to think that only after knowing a woman for a few months that he was now yelling at me. Yusuf?! This little boy who I had practically raised was yelling at me?! For a woman??!! I then threatened him with his sheikh studies and gave him till Friday to decide; marriage or his studies. I knew this would be hard for him but I wanted to know the true value of his deen. It was obvious from his outburst how much you meant to him. But I couldn't let you mean more to him then Allah (swt), I'm sorry Ihsan but it had to be done. Although it didn't quite have the desired...effect. Yusuf was beginning to spiral into depression and although his faith didn't waver he was changed. By making him chose, I wanted him to realise whether this was a true lifelong relationship or a fleeting lust, particularly at this age. Rashid them spoke to me and I realised my mistake. Although I tried to motivate him and pretend as though I didn't notice his change, I feared he was too emotionally attached. I guess I was blinded by my feelings. I hope you can understand Ihsan. And from the bottom of my heart, I apologise. I hope you can forgive me for the sake of Allah, this poor slave of Allah (swt)."

He looked up to me through glistening eyes and my tears soon flowed suit. My heart melted, "of course I forgive you Sheikh. We all make mistakes and if we are not merciful to each other, how can we expect Allah (swt) to be merciful to us? I guess hearing this perspective just makes things make a lot more sense. So Jazakallahukheiran for letting me know. I just have a little question...?"
"Waiyakkum Ihsan. And what's that?"
"Now what?"
"As in between you and Yusuf?"
"Okay I have a proposal for you. As you know Yusuf has completed four years of his studies and has two to go inshallah. So I am willing, with your parents permission of course, to have you married now and Yusuf complete the two years while being married OR you two wait a year, that way you can finish your degree and I'll put some pressure on Yusuf so ill teach him double the content, he'll be finished in a year rather than two and then you guys get married. I'm telling you this because although you may not realise it but studying is hard enough by itself let alone being married. So it's up to you...please let me know by next Friday. Once again Ihsan Jazakallahukheiran"
"Waiyakkum sheikh. Wow that's a tough decision. Yeah I'll have to think about, talk to my parents, Yusuf and his parents and we'll let you know inshallah. Salamualaykum"
"Walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu Ihsan. Take care"

And with that he left leaving behind a very interesting proposal in his wake. Mama and baba soon followed leaving me with my thoughts and a looming decision. I could wait a year that way I'll finish uni and be able to really concentrate on my marriage. But could I really wait that long? I'd be lying if I didn't say I wanted to marry him right now. And how cute could it be to be married and be studying together. I began absentmindedly fiddling with my sleeve as my thoughts argued.

However, as I was playing with my sleeve I realised the touch of warm metal on my wrist. Pulling down my sleeve I saw the charm bracelet Yusuf had bought me on our Fatiha. Baba! I though to myself remembering how he winked to me as he left the room, he must have put it on my wrist while I was still under after the accident. I twisted the sun, books and heart remembering that beautiful day. I really wanted that again, my relationship with him. I could really see myself with no other. Yusuf and Ihsan...

Yusuf's POV
Ihsan had just finished explaining her rather interesting conversation with Sheikh Umar. I couldn't believe how his mind had been changed but I suspected baba had a little input and that pretty much meant mama told baba to speak to Sheikh. I would have to thank her and get her something later. For now...what decision to make?

To be able to finish earlier than what was expected would be amazing, alongside having finished my teaching degree I would be ready to serve the community. An extra year would also mean that I would be able to save up some more money, possible get a job. But in that year I wouldn't be able to see Ihsan much, between double the workload, a job and sleep. However that way I would be able to buy a bigger unit...possible with an extra room for a pair of little feet. Or multiple pairs...? But would that year year us apart? I was so confused...!

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