Chapter Twenty Two

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Okay I know I said I wouldn't do any multiple dedications but Subhanallah i've just had an overwhelming amount of support and love that a chapter per person would require like over 100 chapters. None the less, please don't think your contributions are unnoticed and I thank all those who read, support or comment. That said, this chapter is dedicated to the lovelys MuznaHashmani lanloun123 @ladyofthetaj geval-ster obsessedwithbooks3 ruzeequa NidaDawre mmariyamm khiradahmed123 for all their comments which I love reading, support and love. Jazakallahukheiran Hun!

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.


Your Sister In Islam

Yusufs POV
"So that's a yes?"
"Yes Yusuf!"

Elated was truly an understatement, she said yes!! I could scream it from the rooftops, shout it from the moon, yell it from the ends of the earth, SHE SAID YES! Ya Allah! I could not believe it!!!! Alhamdulilah! This was truly a dream come, I had finally found my dream girl Alhamdulilah.

"Uh, Yusuf?" Ihsan said, waving her fingers in front of my face.
"Oh sorry, I, uh, zoned out for a second there. What were you saying?" I stumbled.
"I said, someone's excited!"
"Oh you bet I am!" And she bushed a gorgeous Crimson. Ya Allah I loved it when she blushed! And inshallah I'll always be able to do that...

Ihsans POV
The things that boy does to me, Ya Allah help me!

We then told our parents the 'the big news' as Yusuf called it and I probably haven't been hugged that much all month, scratch that, all year!! Mama was crying, saying how her 'little girl' was all grown up and Khalto Amatullah going on about another 'little girl.' To put it simply though, it was a dream come true. Alhamdulilah!

Yusufs POV
I felt really bad making this phone call but mama would have my head if I missed the wedding planning. And secretly, I was pretty excited, but wouldn't admit that to anyone.

The phone rang the first time, the third time, the fifth time and just when I was about to shut the phone I heard an "Asalamualaykum Yusuf"
"Uh walaykumasalamwarahmatallahuqabarakatuhu Sheikh. How are you?"
"Hamdilah Habibi. Excited for today's lesson inshallah!"
"Uh, yeah about that...I don't think I'll be able to make it today sheikh"
"Is everything okay Yusuf?"
"Yeah Hamdilah everything's fine, I just won't be able to make it. I'll tell you soon inshallah" I didn't exactly want to tell him I was getting married over the phone, I wanted to see his reaction. After all, Sheikh Umar was like a second dad to me.
"Okay son, I guess it's only one day after all"
"Uh, Sheikh, um, I a-actually can't come for the rest of the w-we-week"
"The whole week?! Yusuf 5 days?! You already took a week off last week as well. Is there something I need to know?"
"Sheikh, there's an explanation I promise! I-I'll explain, I promise."
"Okay Yusuf. It's up to you. I trust you to make the right decisions. I'll see you next week then Habibi."
"Inshallah Sheikh. Salams."

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