Chapter Sixteen

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Ihsan's POV
After that odd ordeal the night/day passed by pretty normal. We made our prays, said our duas and parted our ways, Ilham making us promise to attend her upcoming baby shower, seeing as she was already 8 months Mashallah.

Subhanallah time had flown and it was already the morning of eid. Yusuf had come over last time which ended in a hilarious game of monopoly. Don't even ask. Our families would be meeting up as well today for lunch by the beach. How exciting!

After making my prayers, brushing my teeth, washing my face and making my bed, I slipped into my eid outfit. I took one last look in the mirror, grabbed my clutch and made my way down stairs for fajr at the masjid. It was a family tradition to go to the masjid on the fajr of eid every year and this eid was no different.

There was only one problem, trying to drag a sleepy three year old, boy might I add, to the masjid is no small task. Muhammad refused to get out of bed let alone put on his clothes. I sat on the edge of his bed and peered at his fake sleeping eyes. I decided to play along, "Ya Allah! Is Muhammad still asleep? Oh no! Looks like there's only one thing to do" I said, thinking out loud. I saw his eyelashes flutter in excitement as he tried to maintain his sleeping facade. "Looks like I'm going to have to call the tickle monster!" I said as I proceeded to dial the 'tickle monster' with my palm/phone. "Asalamualaykum. Yes Hamdilah I'm good. I'd like one tickle monster please. Yes extra large. The biggest you've got! Jazakallahukheiran." I began and pretended to shut the phone only to find an imaginary package containing the 'tickle monster.' "Oh look! They've come already. Let's just put them on and..." I trailed and began tickling Muhammad's little torso. He wriggled in excitement and screamed in happiness. "S-stop! S-s-stop! I'll get ready! Pwease ss-stop!" He gasped between breathes. I sopped tickling him, savouring moments like these with my little munchkin before I would be gone.

After a few more threats of the tickle monster and half an hour later we were all ready. Muhammad looked spunky in his little work boots, mama looked amazing and baba was gleaming. But of course baba had to take family pictures and after a lot of fake smiles, hair retouching (Muhammad of course) and another half hour later we were finally ready. We piled up into the car and made our day way to the mosque, making takbir (praise of Allah (swt)) on the way.

Yusuf's POV
Eid had finally come and I was a mix of nostalgia at the loss of Ramadan but also excitement at this joyous day. Especially since we had lunch planned with Ihsan's family.

Ilham had to colour coordinate our outfits this year, exclaiming that she had the right to as she was pregnant. I really don't see the correlation between the two but would do anything for my sister. Which was why, as Ilham pranced around taking photos, we where all dressed in navy and white. Ilham was even in a navy niqab and Zaynul Abedeen in an adorable white blazer with navy suspenders.

After praying salat al eid and swapping Salams with all my family we headed over to my grandmothers house for breakfast, a Hakeem family tradition. There we feasted on a beautiful breakfast, handed out eididya (money given on eid as a present) and took some more photos, much to Ilham's delight. At this point my cheek muscles would retire at the age of 30! But Hamdilah.

Time had passed by so quickly and before I knew it it was 3:00pm and we where on our way to the beach.

Ihsan's POV
We arrived at the restaurant and were seated in a closed off area, so that Ilham could lift her niqab, surrounded by stunning water views Mashallah. The men where at a separate table while we women laughed and chatted.

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