Chapter Twelve

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to misticreader for her continuous support and comments. Jazakallahukheiran!

The reason for the late update is the fact that I was out of town for a week and therefore had no internet. Kind of why I gave you guys two updates last week...surprise? Anyway, I'm thinking of having a more regulated schedule for updates...what do you think?

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusufs POV
I absolutely love Islam! Hamdilah it's a blessing and usually, being the key word there, I don't have a problem concentrating when it comes to knowledge of Islam. Especially with Sheikh Umar. But not today. Let's just say my mind kept wondering a certain someone in particular. Ya Allah! She had captured my soul with that surprising little stunt she pulled off last night which really earned a lot of respect at her intelligence and courage. And she didn't even know it, Subhanallah!

"Yusuf!" Sheikh Umar exclaimed as I seemed to have daydreamed...again! "Uh, uh sorry Sheikh. I got a little distracted" I mumbled sheepishly. "Habibi, is there something on your mind? I love you like the son I never had and you know you can talk to me about anything. What's down? Is that what you kids are saying today?" He said soothingly. I contemplated telling him, after all he was like a second father to me and I really wanted to tell him. But as much as I was ready to burst at the seams I knew that firstly, it was too soon to say and that secondly, I wanted it to be a surprise. I was planning on telling him 2 weeks before the nikkah inshallah, also asking him to be the sheikh to perform the ceremony. So for now it's lips sealed.

"Uh Jazakallahukheiran for asking Sheikh but I think I'll try and tackle this one based on all that you have taught me. If anything I'll tell you though inshallah." I replied, vague yet honest. "Waiyakkum son. Just take care of yourself. I have faith in you. Anyway, let's call it a day. You seem to be preoccupied and if I'm honest with you, the mrs is making my favourite food today and I think I'm going to start salivating" he spoke and I chuckled at his innocence. "Okay Sheikh. Jazakallahukheiran for everything and I'll see you tomorrow inshallah. Enjoy your meal!" I farewelled. "Waiyakkum. Salams Habibi. Oh and good luck with that exam" he replied.

He was referring to the end of year exams for my teaching degree which was coincidentally in the last ten nights of Ramadan, pretty annoying but Hamdilah. Always Hamdilah. I was planning on doing Itikaf (residing in the mosque for the last ten nights of Ramadan) this year inshallah but inshallah it would turn out okay. Previously, I had two months to graduate but Subhanallah I had managed to take on some extra work and so would be graduating inshallah in only a weeks time Hamdilah. Teaching was always a passion of mind and interacting with children was just a dream come true but I think I want to focus on 'Sheikh School' as Ilham liked to call it and leave teaching as more of a backup plan. Not that I couldn't integrate it into Sheikh studies but I just wanted to focus on my deen right now, among other things. *cough cough* Ihsan.

Hamdilah I had been invited again tonight for iftaar and although I admired Ihsan's patience test, I was hoping to get to know her a little more today inshallah. The dilemma was though, what to bring? I was worried that it was too early to bring a personal gift to Ihsan. I had already brung sweets. Flowers were too cliché and...chocolates? Nah. I need something memorable. Oh my Allah! I've got it Hamdilah!

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