Chapter Thirty One

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Yusuf's POV
Ilham had taken Ihsan for over half an hour now and although I loved my sister, I was here to see Ihsan not her. Wow that sounded so possessive Yusuf! I scolded myself. But Tawfeeq seemed to realise the situation and disappeared later returning with the two girls.

But before she could sit down and I could finally talk to her, Amo Abdullahs voice rang out, "Ihsan, your mother and I were discussing that new dessert place and we suggest we quad date or whatever you youth call it these days. What do you think Rashid?"

I saw Ihsan's eyes light up and I turned to baba anxiously. "Hmmm...well if the bride and groom agree we're in. What do you say Ihsan?" Ihsan simply replied, "whatever Yusuf wants" and a serious of 'nnaawwsss' rang out. That pretty little blush reappeared on her face and we all stood to leave.

Ihsan's POV
I knew what baba and mama were doing. Ice cream was my little weakness and so I was over the moon.

We had decided to walk there under beautiful night sky. Mama and baba were in front holding hands. Ilham and Tawfeeq were behind them holding hands. Then came Yusuf and I not holding hands unfortunately. And trailing was Amo Rashid and Khalto Amatullah also holding hands. I prayed that a day would come soon where I too would be able to hold Yusuf's hand, taking walks on the beach, and just enjoying each other's company.

Lost in thought I realised that Yusuf hadn't said a word thus far and so I asked, "what are you thinking about?"
"Huh, sorry, what did you say?" He replied dazed. I giggled and repeated my question, "what are you thinking about?"
"Oh I was just, don't laugh at me, but do you know Surat Al-Imran (a chapter in the holy Quran)?"
"To be honest only the last ten verses off by heart"
"No that's perfect. So the tenth and ninth last verses is what I was thinking about. 'إن في خلق السموات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الألباب * الذين يذكرون الله قياما وقعودا وعلى جنوبهم ويتفكرون في خلق السموات والأرض ربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار*' which means 'verily in the creation of the skies and the earth and the difference of night and day there are signs for those of intellect.' And look at the beauty around us Ihsan. Is this not a miraculous sign high in the sky every day for man to remember. Like to think that the positioning of the earth and sun are so accurate that were they to move 0.3 millimetres closer or further away we would either melt or freeze to death. Like Subhanallah the creation of Allah (swt) is so amazing so imagine how amazing Allah (swt) is. And then to think that whatever we think of He is even more amazing then that is just mind blowing. Then the second ayah (verse) means 'those that remember Allah when upright so standing and whilst sitting and whilst on there sides so lying down and think of the creation of the skies and the earth, oh our lord you have not created this in headlessness without a purpose so save us from the torment of hell' so here Allah (swt) explains to us those of intellect which He mentioned in the previous ayah but also something I find awesome is that the Quran in the only religious scripture that calls for faith alongside science. See this is where atheism comes in and the like because some people think that in order to believe in science you mustn't believe in God and vice versa. But Subhanallah here is a book that calls for the harmonious interaction and belief in both. The Quran argues that science should complement belief and faith which is just beautiful"

I literally had tears in my eyes, words could not describe how much this man meant to me. Subhanallah I was so grateful to have found someone like Yusuf. I really didn't deserve him. He was so pure and innocent and kind and loving and just a good muslim Alhamdulilah.

"Yusuf you know I really don't deserve someone like you" I whispered to him and he merely replied, "No Ihsan I don't deserve you" with such sincerity in his voice I soon had tears rolling down my cheeks. "W-what's wrong? Are you ok Ihsan? Was it something I said??" He asked frantically. I chuckled and replied, "Just happy tears Yusuf. Happy tears."

We had arrived to the dessert place, sat down, ordered, spoke a little and then the food came. Yum! I had ordered a scoop of macadamia ice cream, a scoop of coconut ice cream, a scoop of pistachio ice cream, a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a scoop of mango ice cream. While Yusuf on the other hand ordered a little pot of tea with some banana bread.

"Are you sure your going to be able to eat all that?" He questioned. I raised my eyebrow questioningly. "No- don't get me wrong or anything but your portions for real food are small and it's all organic, fat free, sugar free or whatever and here you are with five scoops of ice cream. The bowl is bigger than you Ihsan!"

It was true that I was petite and tried to maintain that by eating healthy but ice cream really was my weakness and after not having had ice cream for over 7 months I deserved this. Let's just say when I splurge, I splurge. "No- don't get me wrong or anything but your portions for real food are like gigantic, I mean you could probably eat a whole cow or whatever and here you are with tea and banana bread. The bread is smaller than you finger Yusuf" I retorted, "And besides, the flavours I got are all fruits or nuts so shush!"

He chuckled and said, "Okay so don't get between Ihsan and her ice cream"
"You got that right mister!"

Yusuf's POV
On the way back to Ihsan's house she seemed anxious and nervous. Dessert was great Alhamdulilah and much to my surprise she finished her ocean of ice cream but now she seemed like she had something on her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked mimicking her earlier question. "I'll tell you when we get home inshallah" was all she said and my curiosity peaked.

After what seemed like a painstakingly long journey home which was really only around 7 minutes we finally arrived and I was curious to hear what had kept Ihsan quiet for so long.

By now it was Isha and after praying we were all seated with warm cups of chamomile tea, courtesy of Ilham much to the protest of Ihsan and Khalto Ruqayah. Ihsan then cleared her throat and suddenly all eyes were on her. "S-so I was thinking, we've already been through this process and Alhamdulilah I think our families get along well and so do Yusuf and I. Um..j-just following the Sunnah I don't r-really think there's any need to delay the nikkah. I m-mean if t-that's okay with everyone."

For about ten seconds there was complete silence in the room partially because this was unexpected from the female, I mean usually the male would ask for this but Islamically she didn't do anything wrong and I admired her courage, particularly that I could see her hands were shaking. But then Amo Abdullah cried out, "Takbir!" (Praise Allah) and we all replied with "Allahuakbar."

Sook kisses and hugs were exchanged, tears shed and pats on the back given along with many congratulations but my very favourite was when mama announced that the nikkah would be 15 days from today and the walimah (wedding) a week after that.

I would be married to Ihsan in 15 days from today inshallah. Ya Allah this is a dream come true!!!

Ihsan's POV
I can't believe I just did that but Alhamdulilah I'm glad I did. In 15 days I would be married inshallah. And the countdown begins...

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