Chapter Fifteen

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

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Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
I had crossed my last t and dotted my last i, relief immersing me like an ocean. I had finally finished my degree Alhamdulilah. It felt like I was on a cloud as I went from the lecture hall to my car. After a total of 19 years of education I had finally finished Alhamdulilah! What a feeling. As I floated across the highway and pulled into the car park of the masjid my happiness soared to another level upon seeing a certain little hijabi.

Astaghfirallah lower your gaze Yusuf! Technically you're not married yet. Yet being the key word in that sentence.
Subhanallah it was getting increasingly hard to avert my eyes when it came to my pearl. Wait...did I just nickname her??

Shaking my head I walked up the stairs and into the men's section. The sight was absolutely glorious Mashallah! Strings of sleeping bags where strewn across the expanse among throngs of brothers (Islamically muslims are your brothers and sisters) reading Quran, making Dua (supplication), praying, making Dhikr (remembrance of Allah (swt)) or just engaging in worship. It was truly spectacular and I thanked Allah (swt) for giving me the opportunity to participate in this as well as the gift of Islam.

Ihsan's POV
It was the 27th night of Ramadan tonight and people had already began filing into the mosque. I had arrived early with Ilham and Fatima to try and get a good spot while mama and Khalto Amatullah were going to follow us later inshallah.

After getting comfortable and organising my things so that they were perfectly perpendicular to the wall, OCD I know, I sat down, the Quran in my hand. I opened up to my favourite Surah (chapter of the Quran), Surat Mariam. I was then transported centuries back to the struggle of the Virgin Mariam as she delivered her blessed child, I'sa (as). Subhanallah her story really managed to put things into perspective because really, what are my troubles compared to her. That aside, her strength and complete conviction in Allah (swt) is just inspirational. I pray that I can achieve at least half of what she did. And finally it reaffirmed my value as a woman in Islam. The media's propagandising portrayal of women in Islam is utter rubbish. Trust me, if Islam was half of what they say on TV I would be the first one to leave. But it's not and quite the contrary really, it's far far from the truth. Islamically a women is seen a gem to be treasured, valued and protected. After all, that's why we wear the hijab (headscarf), because we are given the liberty of dictating what others get to see as well as forcing society to have to make a judgement based on my intellect and character rather than my waist size. If anything, the true definition of oppression is having to conform to an endlessly changing and illogical set of standards pushed by society in order to be deemed "beautiful."

But ranting tirade aside,I really looked up to Mariam (ra) and she is one of the four best women of the world who completed their faith. I had always wanted to name my children after the best women and men of the world. However, the only difference is that before, the partner whom I would bring life into the world with was a blurred face. Now I wasn't too sure...

Yusuf's POV
The wee hours of the morning had arrived and the blessed night was almost over. I had been searching for him for a little over an hour now with no sign of him. I was contemplating giving up when his face emerged, a beacon of light Mashallah. I rushed over to him and said, "Salamualaykum Amo. I know this might be a bit too soon but do you mind if I...

Ihsan's POV
Of course Ilham was craving cinnamon tea at 3:30 in the morning and Fatima did nothing but support this lucid idea. I mean seriously, this is a mosque not a café! We had been up all night Hamdilah and currently, we were roaming a little strip of stalls that had been set up adjacent the mosque offering sweets, hot drinks, traditional Ramadan food, burgers, hot chips and of course, corn on the cob. As for cinnamon tea? I doubted it.

There was only an hour till Fajr so we had to fulfil this craving quickly before the days fasting began. We had been searching for around 10 minutes now and the fatigue as well as my aching feet where really getting to me.
"Habibti Ilham, I really don't think they sell it. We've practically asked every stall. Just get regular tea and pretend it's cinnamon." I said exasperated, at which Fatima merely raised her eyebrow at my creativity. What can I say, desperate times call for desperate measures. "Oh Ihsan please! Only one more stall, that one over there. You do not understand how badly I want this. I need it! Don't worry, one day you'll understand when you have kids of your own inshallah but for now, just one more shop. I promise!" She replied and I accepted for the sake of the baby.

We finally reached the last stall only to discover that he did have, but was all out of cinnamon unfortunately. Hamdilah though. As we made our way begrudgingly back to the mosque I saw his face appear, like the moon among a sea of stars. And he seemed to be carrying a carton of cups? And he was walking towards us! "Uh Ilham!" I squeaked "Why is Yusuf walking towards us?" "Beats me" she shrugged. "Ooh! Look! And he's carrying take away cups." Fatima noted.

By this time he had reached us and said, "Salamualaykum" to which we all replied. "So I just thought you guys might be cold and I got you all something warm to drink" he said, looking at his feet. Fatima pretended to faint, seeing as he couldn't see her. Ilham looked like she was going to hug him. And I just stood gobsmacked. "Oh my Allah! Jazakallahukheiran Habibi. That's exactly what we need! Can you believe they don't have cinnamon tea? Like who doesn't have cinnamon tea?!" Ilham exclaimed to Yusuf. We all laughed at her crazy pregnancy hormones. "Don't worry Habibti. It's here now and that was just a test from Allah (swt) to see if you're going to be patient. Remember, after hardship comes ease." He replied to her. "Your right. Okay, now give me give me give me." She hurried. "Here you go habibiti, one cinnamon tea for you. A hot chocolate with extra sprinkles for Fatima, and I know this thanks to your brother. And Ihsan, I forgot to ask your dad so I just got you the same as mine. A caramel latte. I hope that's okay with you." He stumbled adorably. Each lady took their drink in contentment, expressing their gratitude. I merely stood stumped. "Um look Yusuf, I don't mean to be rude or anything but l-like that's not really appropriate. I'm s-sorr-y but I can't take it." I blurted. It was wrong and I didn't want to start a relationship on anything but total purity.

His eyes rose from the ground and stopped at my neck, still lowering his gaze which I respected. He remained like this for several moments before saying, "Mashallah. Wow. I've never met someone like that. And to say it to my face, that takes a lot of strength Mashallah. I really admire that Ihsan. And to ease your conscious, I asked permission from your and Fatima's dads before I bought them. So do you accept this humble coffee now?" He replied humbly. "I do" I murmured and he handed me my cup. He then said his Salams and walked away sipping his own cup.

I then turned to Ilham and Fatima and said, "Okay seriously who told him that caramel latte is my favourite?" They both shook their heads innocently and I couldn't help but marvel at the apparent coincidence. But in Islam we don't believe in coincidences, it's all Qadar (the will of Allah (swt)). So is this a sign...?

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