Chapter Eight

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• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

I apologise for the delay, I know that it wasn't fair on your behalf but Subhanallah I've been through an emotional roller coaster this week and it's affected my updating. I pray that you guys can forgive me and inshallah I'll try to make it up to you.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam

Yusuf's POV
It had been five days and I was going absolutely mad! Why hadn't she come to the mosque for the past five days?! Was she trying to say that she didn't want me? Was she afraid of me? Maybe she just went to another masjid...but for five days???

And no, I wasn't "love sick" as Ilham put it but I was just worried. After that dinner five days ago I decided to ask Baba to call Amo Abdullah the next day but after finding out that Ihsan hadn't been to the mosque I was worried that it was a sign of her rejection. So I decided to wait a few more days and it had been FIVE DAYS and she hadn't been to the masjid.

Tonight was my last chance. If she doesn't come tonight then I'm not going to ask for her hand inshallah. I'm not going to blandly be put in a position of rejection but Ya Allah I hope she comes.

Ya Allah I hope she comes!

Ihsan's POV
I was finally going to the masjid again tonight inshallah. After spending five day's away from the masjid and the blessing of fasting I felt almost stripped of the joy of Ramadan. But Alhamdulilah tonight is the night. And no, my excitement isn't because of a "certain someone" as Fatima said.

Speaking of which, that girl has been acting so strange lately. But I'm about to get to the bottom of this. I was driving to her place right now to investigate. That's right, I was a hijabi (female wearing the headscarf) on a mission.

I parked the car, knocked on the door, went through the necessary courtesies of greetings and dragged Fatima to her room. She looked at me astonishingly as I wasn't typically an aggressive person, that was her job. I then sat her down on her chair and attempted to 'hand cuff' her with the sticky tape I had brought with me. "Ihsan what the-?" She began. But I hushed her. I then pulled put my phone pretending to record and began my interrogation.
"Please state your name and number"
"Ihsan, what on-"
"Please state your name and number"
"Ukh! Fatima Khalil. Prisoner number 0033680001"
"Thank you. We will now begin with the interrogation. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"
"I solemnly swear"
"Thank you. First question, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"
"Ihsan, what on earth? I am Fatima! If anything I think you've lost the plot. I'm calling Ilham for back up"
"You will not do such a thing. Question number two, what's been happening lately? You're not acting like yourself and Habibti I'm worried"
"Oh albi! I knew you would pick up on it. I wanted to tell you sooner but nothing was confirmed."
"Ha! I knew it. Baby girl I've known you as long as I can remember, of course I'm going to pick up on something. Okay, start"
"You know Abu Bakr?"
"Um...the sheikh?! The one with the beautiful tajweed (pronunciation of the Quran)? Yeah what about him? Woman were talking about you not Sheikh Abu Bakr"
"Patience Ihsan! Yeah well you know how he's single and all. Well news had come that he was interested in marriage and you know I thought nothing really of it. But a week ago Baba told me that he had shown some interest in me but hadn't really said anything. I didn't want to tell you so I don't get your hopes up, especially being the first time and all. Anyway, this morning after Fajr(morning prayer) Baba was at the masjid and he asked for me hand in marriage!! He's coming over on Friday inshallah. I was going to tell you tonight at the masjid. I'm sorry, please don't kill me!"

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