Entrance Exam

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Ahhh, I'm so blessed to have wings!
Nicole thought, flying over the city buildings and through the wide spaces in between the buildings.

Nicole isn't a fan of walking, so she prefers to fly most of the time to get around, and when she does, sometimes she likes to do a little dance in the air to jam out to the songs she listens to.

"Whoo!" Nicole flips in the air, all lively.

Some people looked up from below, seeing a young man with a pair of black wings flying around- well believing it was a young man. Nicole doesn't care if she gets some faces, she just wants to live and be free to be herself, which is in the air. The skies is what makes her feel the most carefree, and it's a way to make her relieve some stress, especially before try outs like today.

Nicole then see's a train coming by, deciding to fly right beside it to race against it

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Nicole then see's a train coming by, deciding to fly right beside it to race against it. She flaps her wings a bit more to try and catch up ahead of it, which wasn't much of a struggle. Nicole smiles at a passenger through one of the windows of the train, facing someone who has a head of a bird - all black with a yellow beak and sharp edgy eyes.

This bird guy had a serious look on his face, so he didn't bother to smile back. Nicole decide to wink at him to try and get a reaction out of him, but the stranger ended up glaring at her in return, turning his head away as he minded his own business.

"AHA-haha!" Nicole laughs, knowing she made him feel weirded out, as she zips through the air ahead of the train once it entered in a tunnel.


After flying for a couple of minutes, she finally makes it to the exam, where they had people gathered in a dark auditorium. She took whatever seat was empty, randomly sitting next to some guy in blue hair and glasses. She didn't think anything much so she took her seat anyway.

"Hey man" Nicole greeted. "Do you know when this thing is gonna start?"

"Have you not checked the email they have sent to you?" The stranger asked, making Nicole tilt her head at him.

The guy takes a sigh. "about a minute, in the future you should be more informed about these things instead of depending upon others to tell you so"

"Pfft okay" Nicole said with a smirk, unbothered.

Suddenly a giant screen appeared, showing a big UA logo on it.

"Whaaaat's up UA candidates?! Thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ!" Some guy who's hair stood upward like a banana announced, wearing a pair of shades with headphones on. "C'mon and let me here ya!"

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