Found Alive

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Hawks was with Faruko's aunt Naomi Tanaka in a room that contained a wide sofa with a usual table nearby, plus a small bedroom that stood across the room. Of course Tanaka had to pack her things and relocate to a small department after what happened to her niece and sister, so it was necessary to keep watch, for they feared that she may be the one to go missing next.

The two sat at the wide sofa, facing each other in a conversation, as Tanaka looked down and troubled. A look that she been having since she was put under witness protection.

"You heard me say this before but I'm still pretty sorry" Hawks apologized. "You know, for not being there for you, things got tight since the case. Even a fast working guy like myself can get real busy"

"It's okay, you're just doing your job" Tanaka said, her eyes remaining down, which made Hawks sigh.

"Yeah but, I could've still kept in check. Or at least considered how much they meant to you" Hawks said, feeling a bit guilty for basically forgetting about her.

Tanaka sighed, finally looking up to face Hawks with a slow head shake, bringing an arm up to her head to rest against the sofa as her fingers ran through the back of her hair. "..what am I gonna do now? Move on and put all this behind me? How can I do that if.. if they're all I got? They're the only family I have left... there's no one else"

Hawks looked at her for a moment as her eyes returned back down to the floor, a single tear ran down her cheek, not bothering to wipe it away.

"At least you still got me. I'm here for you now" Hawks said, grabbing one of her hands gently in assurance

"...thank you, but, that doesn't mean you're going stop searching for them are you?" She asked, lifting her eyes back at Hawks as she puts a hand on where Hawks held her other, which caused the two to lock eyes at each other.

"Please, tell me you won't.." Tanaka said, almost beggingly.

A short moment of silence passed before Hawks responded with his other hand on top of hers.

"Don't worry. I won't. I'll search far and wide"

Her gaze soften. "Thank you again"

And at that, Hawks gets up from the sofa, fixing himself a bit before heading off. "Ya know the drill. It's time for my patrol. I'll uhh, come back later, maybe right before dinner time"

"Okay. Well, as always Hawks.. good luck"

Hawks gave a signature salute with a hand right when he turned his back to head out towards the door, leaving Naomi Tanaka behind, alone. She gets up from the sofa, and on the table nearby stood a small family photo of her niece and sister, all smiling together with a beautiful sky background of clouds.

I miss them so much..
Tanaka thought with a sigh, staring at the frame.

It hurts everyday without you two, I hope you're safe, somewhere..

Meanwhile, Hawks flied out once he stepped out the building, beginning to patrol around in search of the Faruko family, flying over the many buildings through the skies as usual. He lost count of how many times he have been doing this already, but he knows that he's been doing this for quite some time now.

No, already checked here, and there, and over there...
Hawks thought with a sigh, who been scouting around different parts of the entire city day by day, growing doubtful to find anything that leads up to the missing duets. But at the same time, he couldn't stop thinking about the entire thing since he never had a case like this before.

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