about my OC 🦅🔥

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So I wanna share a rundown of how I created my OC and some old ideas I originally had of her. I know it's not a big deal but this is something I wanna share. For those who likes making OC's for fun and wanna improve, I hope this chapter teach ya a thing or two about creating cool original characters. You don't have to read this if you don't want to, it has nothing to do with the story.

before making Faruko

So when I first began to create my OC was way before I started this acc — yes, it's true, she existed before I even wrote the chapters. How I got to her is when I made another winged OC before Faruko, which was supposed to be an x hawks fic, but the oc was supposed to be an owl. Now I'm not saying Faruko used to be an owl, I just had a different oc in mind. I don't want to reveal the name of my owl oc so I'll just call her Karen.

Now in the drafts, i worked hard on karen and literally wrote out her entire backstory and the whole plot between her and hawks. I struggled to write details in my story and even tried to get inspired with the kind of message i wanted to deliver, but I was afraid that my writing will be boring and wouldn't get enough attention, so i didn't bother starting one. i tried getting some inspiration by reading other oc x hawks stories, and while surfing through I came across some Phoenix x hawks stories.

I thought it was cool and creative, and loved the idea of how these phoenix characters sets their wings on fire. That remained in my head, but I didn't bother to create an oc yet. One day my sister and I talked about what our quirks would be if we were in the world of my hero academia, and she said "idk, but i wanna control fire with my mind. There's a name for it but i forgot, and I also want wings to fly around"

So then i said "oh Ya know I was actually reading one of those cool phoenix oc stories that can set their wings on fire" When I said that, my sister said "oh fr? then I would want that" Then it hit me. What if you can control fire only by setting your wings on fire? sounds like a good idea

From there I got the inspiration needed. But for some reason, I felt like i was probably stealing :p    Because of that feeling I felt a bit burdened and needed to make it as original as possible. So I kept the idea, but didn't came up with a name or anything because I hesitated whether my oc should really be a phoenix character. Deep down I felt like a bit of an idea stealer.

I don't know how, but i think through some username or something, (probably saw it somewhere idk) I was inspired by the word "firefalcon". It sounded cool, so i took that word and added it to the idea, and that's when I had that AHAH moment. That's when I started making my oc right then and there, which took MONTHS.

Making Faruko

Do you know that I was gonna make Faruko all fancy and rich? She was supposed to look someone like Yaoyorozu with a high ponytail while still having the same red eyes and dark brown hair. She was supposed to be cool and feminine like natasha romanoff - that is what I was going for 💀

My sister didn't like the design when I showed my oc. "Eh, kinda looks boring" and i agreed. There were many oc's that looks flawless, not that that's a bad thing, i just thought I wasn't putting in much effort, making my oc bland. So I decide to do something different by adding more flaws to my character, making her look more tomboyish. (Not that tomboy is a flaw, it's just not known in a lot of female anime characters) So I made her have very short hair and changed her, and when my sister saw it again, she liked it.  "she kinda looks like a boy though" and I said "really? I knew I made her look like one lol"

That's how I got the idea that my oc should be mistaken as a boy, like Haruhi from Ouran highschool host club 😂

A detail that you probably don't know about my oc, is that Falcons have a tomial tooth on their upperbeaks (it's like an extra curve or notch at the beak). Which is why Faruko has small fangs. I've also added other abilities and details based on the peregrine falcon, which makes her different from other predatory birds.

Making Faruko's drawback

After that, I thought about how my oc would be like as a falcon. I felt stuck because to me it didn't make sense that Faruko has fire powers AND is a falcon 🦅 like when does a bird have fire powers? Unless they're a phoenix.

Putting her quirk together was tricky, so I looked at Hawks as an example which greatly helped me, and this is what I found. Hawks is named Hawks because he's obviously a hawk, but his quirk isn't called "hawk", it's called "Fierce wings", in which he can mind control his feathers kinetically. Now that's something a hawk doesn't do, but it makes sense in mha.

So I made my oc a falcon that's named Firefalcon, but her quirk isn't called firefalcon, it's called Pyro wings, which she can mind control her fire kinetically. Then I made her wings black like the color of coal which naturally used for fire, which reveals her limit that if she burns her wings for too long, it will turn ashy gray with scorched feathers. Now that's something that doesn't happen to a Phoenix at all.

Faruko's old backstory

Did you know that Danny was supposed to kill himself? He had a depressive struggle while Faruko was unaware of his pain. Faruko was the type to not care about her life and was a good company to Danny because he also didn't care about his own life, and that's the reason they got along well. He was supposed to take his life by jumping off a building while Faruko was unable to catch him on time in the air, and this was supposed to leave a mental scar on her that she's not fast enough.

She also shamed herself for encouraging Danny how much life sucks, but she never meant to drive him to suicide. She felt terrible and questioned her purpose and decide to be a hero, and that basically woke her up, taking school more serious and being less of a trouble maker.

I even chose a song to go with it - if interested listen to it. The Song is by Hayd called superhero.

Story of Faruko

i strongly didn't feel like this character should be in an x hawks fic, i felt that it should be in a simple x mha fic instead. So I started to write down the chapters once i got my oc all figured out.

I also decide to send this kind of message about Firefalcon; to be a light to a dark world. And light is not meant to be covered, but out there for all to see. To remind everyone that no one is alone in their struggle, no matter how dark it is.

In conclusion, I thank God for giving me the passion and inspiration to create and write this out. I had my ups and downs with it, but he was with me in both the good and bad days, and the same can be said with you. You see God never promised an easy life, but he promised to be there when it hurts and when the unfortunate happens. This year over the summer, I lost my grandmother and my dog to cancer... it's good to know that God is close to those who are broken in spirit.

In fact, he sent his son Jesus on the cross to take all our sins to die with him, promising eternal life to those who love him and to restore all things that we lost. If you want to know more about God, check out my other books that are based on the christian faith. If you have any questions about, go ahead and ask away, i'm open for questions.

i've said this a lot but thanks for reading this far. I'm going to put this story on hold until next year (sorry).

I hope this gave you some ideas and encouragement to creating whatever oc you're working on. Honestly I would like to hear about your oc so if you want share it out here, I'll give my thoughts on it, maybe I'll exchange some ideas to help improve it:) Have fun and take care !

Oh! I also wanna mention one more thing; I wrote another fanfic. It's called Supernova, which is a Bakugou x fem reader fanfic, so check it out some time, I've worked hard on it!

FireFalcon - a mha x oc fanfic Where stories live. Discover now