Camp Invasion Pt.2

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Faruko zipped across the night at top speed, since Kota's size and weight is light on her back, it's easy to fly in the air swiftly. Kota's arms wrapped around her shoulders, which she held on to his arms firmly, feeling the tension on them.

"Its alright little man" Faruko assured. "I won't drop ya"

He decide to stop shutting his eyes out of fright, slowly opening them to automatically see the cackling blue fire among the trees and dark smoke arising out of it.

Kota thought, gazing at the view.

"Aizawa!" Faruko said, luckily spotting Mr.Aizawa running through the trees below her.

She instantly dives towards the trees, making Kota gasp, shutting his eyes from the drop motion.

"Hey! Mr. Aizawa!" Faruko called out before she lands on the ground, causing Aizawa to look around until his eyes fell to Faruko, who was surprised to see her.

"Faruko?" Aizawa said, quickly looking serious as she runs over to him.

"Wow! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad to see you here!" Faruko said, causing Aizawa look even more serious at that.

"And I'm not" Aizawa said, angered. "What are you doing here? You went against my..." Aizawa trailed off when he noticed the young boy Kota on her back, who looked very afraid and uneasy with a small quiver of his lips.

"S-sorry, but I had to" Faruko said, carefully putting Kota down. "You see, Vlad instructed me to deliver as many as I can to safety as long as I don't fight with any villains. This kid could've died if I wasn't there, and so would've Deku. He told me to take Kota to safety because he's badly injured from trying to protect him from a powerful villain"

"Wait, what?" Aizawa concerned. "Did he fight with any villains?"

"Um no, not really.."

"Not really?"

"Like I said, he was trying to protect Kota"

Aizawa gave an annoyed sigh.

I guess he had no choice...

"Alright then, do you how badly injured is Midoriya?" Aizawa asked.

"Well he's covered in scratches and has a busted arm with only his pants and shorts still intact" Faruko answered. "His face is also half covered in blood and wouldn't stop shaking. He struggled to keep his balance right too"

"What?!" Aizawa said, more concerned.

He must be running on pure adrenaline by now!
Aizawa thought, calculating.
This isn't good, once he calms himself down, he'll shut down and his body won't have the will to fight anymore..

"Oh! And he also told me to go look for you to let you know that the villains are after some of the students alive, mainly Bakugou" Faruko said, as Aizawa shocked at the last bit of information, automatically remembering the words of the villain that melted out of his grasp.

"...hmm, Ya know what? I'm glad you went against my order"

"Huh?" Faruko said with a head tilt.

"Tell Mandalay something for me too" Aizawa said, looking into her eyes. "Tell her to use her telepath to announce classA and B that Eraser Head has granted permission to engage in combat with villains"

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