An Accidental Kidnap

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Faruko crashed straight into Bakugou along with Dabi, the three of them rolled and hit the floor like crazy.

"AH! WHAT THE?!" Bakugou angered. "Get off me!" He pushed Faruko off him in a rude manner.

"Owe, my bad.." Faruko rubbed the back of her head in pain.

"You're an idiot for flying in here house fly!"

"But you're here too, so that makes you-"

Suddenly, Bakugou felt a hand around his neck, instantly tensing up right before Faruko could finish her sentence.

"I guess two's a prize.."

Faruko blasts her wings on fire, posing a fight against Dabi as her feathers puffed up, in which Dabi simply smirked at her with a tsk.

"Now settle down ruffles, don't make this any harder than it needs to be, we don't want some accident to happen now, do we?" Dabi grinned wider, gripping his hand around Bakugou's neck even tighter, in which Bakugou grit his teeth with a tiny hint of nervousness overtaking him.

"Grrr..." He deeply growled with a sweat drop. "Get your dirty hands off me..."

"I can stand here all day. I don't have to listen to you!" Faruko said, her flames still lit and stance remaining still as ever.

"Hm, you're right, you don't. Maybe you'll listen to him instead"


"Behind you idiot!" Bakugou warned, but was too late, her heart dropped the moment she felt it.

A feeling of dry hands around her neck, instantly tensing up, freezing in place as her eyes grew wide in fear.


"My, what do we have here?" A familiar raspy voice said, in which Faruko gulped in response.

"Now child, put your flames away nice and easy.."

She shook in fear at the sound of his voice, slowly dying the light down from her wings as he commended.

With another gulp she wished that she have reacted fast enough. That she could've paid more attention to her surroundings, but she was too focused on Bakugou.

The hand gripped around her neck even tighter as the villain leaned closer, taking a good look at her. The villain forced Faruko to lift her chin up, noticing a scar line around her neck in examination.

"How'd you get that around your neck?" Shigaraki asked.

"One of your buddies at USJ.." She answered coldly with a grit of her teeth and furrowed brows.

"Ahh, I see. Well, apologies for that" Shigaraki chuckled. "It honestly looks good on you.."

He then eased his grip around her neck, letting her chin go back down in its place.

His face looks so punchable right now...
Faruko thought, feeling disgusted by the villain's touch around her neck.

Man, what have he been touching besides disintegrating things to nothing?

"You know, it was our plan to get him instead, but I didn't think you'd be here too, maybe we can make some sort of deal with you"

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