Dorm Rooms

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"Well is it?!" Bakugou snapped, making Faruko jump.

"Aye hey! Why should I even tell you? Honestly why do you even wanna know anyway?"

"Because your intentions aren't adding up with ya, so I wanna know if everything I heard was true"

"But that still doesn't explain why you wanna kno-"

"Just tell me already!" Bakugou snapped again, cutting Faruko off.

"Alright geez!" Faruko said with an eye roll. "If it makes ya leave me alone.. anyway, only a part of that was true okay. Here's the real story; my dad is a biker gang, but not a villain. He actually owns a small motorcycle company of his own back in America, in the state of California, so he's not a bad guy at all"

"What? Your dad isn't here with you?"

"No, my parents split when I was a kid, so now I live with my mom"

"Okay, well is it true that you were in a school for young powerful quirk users?" Bakugou asked. "Schools like that are only available in some countries, and is it also true that you were forced to enroll here against your will?"

Faruko laughs. "No! I chose to come here. I dropped out of the young hero school for a different reason"

"And what's that?"

"Just didn't wanna become a hero"

Bakugou raised a brow at that. "Then what are you doing here at UA then? What changed your mind?"

"Well back then I had a different dream, and that dream was to travel around living in a van"

Bakugou raised a brow at her again. "Are you serious? How idiotic are you to pass up a chance like that over a stupid dream?"

Faruko softly sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "Ahhh, yeah it was stupid, but I liked it" She smiled at the thought.

Bakugou rolls his eyes at that. "That still doesn't answer my question"

"Oh yeah, well it wasn't really my choice to move out of America. My mom thought it was good to move here with her sister. I guess she just felt bad for my aunt being alone after my grandmother died some time ago..." Faruko trailed off at that, getting reminded of Danny when she mentioned death. "Ya know what, it's too long of a story to explain. I'll just get right to the point - I'm here to make a difference, and that's my true intention"

Bakugou scoffed. "Hah! How ridiculous, that sounds like every other extra's dream! It's being the best is what gets ya out there, and you obviously haven't won at life crow wings hah!"

"Pfft, okay so? I'm obviously not the best here, and I'll probably never turn out to be the best hero, and I'm okay with that. I'm more concerned about the lives of others than I am losing at something, as if we're all supposed to be winning at saving lives like some petty competition. To me life isn't some game to play and then try to win, to me it's more about laughing when having fun or crying when feeling down or making memories with people I care about and stuff like that. Life is something to live and care for, not to win" Faruko said, looking at her hands. "So if being a loser is what it takes to save a life, then that's already my reward"

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