First day at UA

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"I can't believe this..." Faruko said, looking at herself in the body mirror wearing a skirt.

Faruko isn't used to this kind of uniform. Usually the uniforms she wears back in America are a bit less strict about uniform policy since she went to a public school, of course nothing inappropriate as long as it matches with the school's colors of the uniform.

The thing that she has a problem with the UA uniform is that for the boys, they must wear pants, but for the  girls, skirts.

Faruko sighed at UA's uniform rule.

Can't I just wear pants?
Faruko thought, not used to wearing skirts.

The last time she wore a skirt was back in elementary, but started to wear pants around the 4th grade. She got too used to pants ever since what happened to her, slightly cringing at the memory of it.

What happened was that her skirt somehow got caught on a nail and it ripped the entire back area when she took off into the air, unaware that her skirt was ruined and pretty much exposed. She showed up to school like that. How embarrassing.

So she never considered wearing skirts ever again.

"Just do it Nicole, just do it" Faruko said to herself, fighting back the urge to show up to school with pants.

In America, she is Nicole, but in Japan, she is Nikoru. She even filled out the papers in her Japanese full name. Nobody really cared about the slight name change - but for UA, being in a top school would probably take their uniforms seriously among students more than just names. Probably.

"I feel so weird.." Faruko looks down at her skirt, taking a good look at herself.

Hm, I don't look so bad in one though,
Faruko admitted.

She then picks up a comb and starts running it through her hair. Having short pixie hair definitely saves a lot of time. She then ruffles it to make it look a bit messy and natural. Taking a deep breath in, she recollects her thoughts, exhaling the air out of her lungs to calm her nerves.

I'm gonna see him again...
Faruko thought, feeling a little nervous already.

After a few more minutes of getting herself together, she climbs up to her bedroom window, carefully placing her foot upon the window frame with her body crouching down. Faruko looks up towards the sky, having a firm grip on her red backpack with black straps on it, a chain dangling across it.

"From here on out" Faruko said, flapping her wings in take off.

"Ahhh..." Faruko relaxed, feeling the soft morning breeze hit her face, gazing upon the light cotton pink clouds.

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